The addon adds the ability for players to toggle buildmode and adds basic features for it to work, supports customization. Basically prevents players with buildmod from dealing damage to other players, as well as other players cannot deal damage to players in buildmode. Players with builmode can use noclip by default.
- Universal and easy Developer API.
- Multilanguage ( By default supports: en, uk, ru ).
- Lightweight, very little code, maximum code performance.
> - Delay in seconds between switch buildmode or pvp.ulx_buildmode_respawn
> - Respawns player if he leaves buildmode.
A server-side player meta function, returns true if the buildmode switch is successful, force forced buildmode switch on player ignoring CanPlayerBuildMode hook, hideNotification hides notifications about buildmode switch.
PLAYER:SetBuildMode( requestedState, hideNotification, force )
A server-side hook, called when a player tries to change the buildmode state, return here true allows the player to change the buildmode state to requested state.
GM:CanPlayerBuildMode( ply, currentState, requestedState )
GM:PlayerToggledBuildMode( ply, oldState, newState )