Installations for VS Code (conda):
Create a conda environment from the yml file:
conda env create -f geopy.yml
This will take quite a while and then after the installation is done, you need to actiate the environment and choose its python as the kernel of the Jupyter notebooks:
conda activate geospatial
These are my notes from a geospatial computing workshop held at ITC by the NLeSC (Netherlands eScience Centre). Collaborative Notes are on
working with vector data: geopandas working with raster data: rioxarray, xarray-spatial
If you have a UT account you can also run the codes on CRIB
Getting raster data from Copernicus Sentinel2 API Access will be used in the workshop. For API Access the STAC protocol is used. Using the STAC Browser is recommended.\
This tutorial is adopted from the Carpentries Geospatial Python
For a longer course take a look at PythonGIS
For spatial analysis in Python check out LibPySAL