A multi platform, minimal dependency, low level but very simple C++11 Graphics API to interface a subset of OpenGL 3.3+
This is an ALPHA version! The API is not stable and will change in the future!
It borrows some concepts, names and calling conventions from Vulkan.
To BUILD this library you need GLM, python, CMake and a C++ build system.
Note that python is only used to generate files during compilation. It is not a runtime dependency for projects using glCompact.
sudo apt install libglm-dev python cmake g++
To also generate the documentation:
sudo apt install doxygen
To be able to build the examples, install one of the supported framework libraries:
sudo apt install libglfw3-dev
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
sudo apt install libsfml-dev
glCompact is meant to be included as a cmake source sub directory. This enables the use of different compile time configurations files and better optimisation for each project using it.
Create an enviroment variable "glCompact_DIR", containing your glCompact path. And include it in your projects CMakeLists.txt:
SET(glCompact_DIR $ENV{glCompact_DIR})
add_subdirectory(${glCompact_DIR} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/glCompact)
GLCOMPACT_INCLUDE_DIRS and GLCOMPACT_LIBRARY are set by the glCompact CMakeLists.txt. GLCOMPACT_INCLUDE_DIRS also includes GLM!
To generate the documentation, execute this in the glCompact folder:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make doc
To USE this library you need GLM and a library to create a Window, the OpenGL context and provide a function to query OpenGL function pointers. (e.g. SDL2/GLFW/SFML/...)
Examples are provided in the examples folder! They also can by used as a base for a new project.
The whole project is under MIT license!