This is a 30 days challenge to learn openCV. Along the journey, we will make some awesome Computer Vision projects.
Day1 : Reading, writing and displaying images
Day2 : Grayscaling
Day3 : Color Spaces
Day4 : Histograms
Day5 : Drawing Images
Day6 : Translations and Rotations
Day7 : Scaling, re-sizing and interpolations
Day8 : Cropping and Brightness
Day9 : Masking and Blurring
Day10 : Binarization and Thresholding
Day11 : Edge Detection,Dilation, Erosion
Day12 : Perspective transform
Project 1 - Live sketch
Day14 : Matching contours
Day15 : Project 2 - Identifying Countours by shape
Day16 : Hough Lines
Day17 : Blob detection
Project 3 - Counting Circle with blobs
Day18 : Corner detection
Project 4 - Finding Waldo
Day20 : Project 5 - Object Detection using SIFT & ORB
Day21 : Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOGs)
Day22 : HAAR Cascade Classifiers & Face, Eye Detection
Day23 : Project 6 - Car and Pedestrian Detection
Day24 : Face Landmarks, Filters and Face Swap
Day25 : Project 7 - Live Face Swapper
Day26 : Project 8 - Yawn Detector and Counter
Day27 : Project 9 - Handwritten Digit Recognition
Day28 : Project 10 - Face Recognition – Unlock Your Computer With Your Face
Day29 : Object Tracking and Photo Denoising
Day30 : Project 11 - Photo Restoration using inpainting