A pluggable jest environment which run live-server
in background which can be used in your tests for better e2e tests
yarn add jest-liveserver -D
In your jest.config.js
, add/replace the following
testEnvironment: 'jest-liveserver',
testEnvironmentOptions: {
liveServer: {port,...},
liveServerJestPlugins: [plugin]
There are two kind of options this package accepts,
1. liveServer
This is the live-server
package's options
ref this options
2. liveServerJestPlugins
It accepts a array of plugins. ref
This package supports plugins which can be added to the core of the environment. The core plugin just takes the options for the live-server and simply run a server with them. But sometimes you may need to do some extra works like moving or copy-pasting your site or files to your test folder so for these kind of works use plugins.
Plugins are simply objects which returns two methods,
This will run before running the live-server
server, so work like moving files/folder can be done in this.
this plugin should return a live-server
options which will update the default options or the options passed through jest.config.js
under testEnvironmentOptions.liveServer
preRun: (dirname, cwdPath, _liveServerConfig) => new_live_server_config
This is the method which will run before stopping the live-server
server, this can be use-full when doing operation like cleaning the dir or deleting temporary files etc.
It should not return any thing
tearDown: (dirname, cwdPath, _liveServerConfig) => {}
If you are facing issues like environment teardown quickly and closing the server, try to increase the jest timeout time