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Speech application work with two api Web Speech Api and Google Speech Api

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Project overview

Simple application allows to transform speech/voice to text. Based on two speech engines (can be selected in application):


  1. You need to choose Speech Engine.
  2. Click 'Start' button. It will start record your voice. Just say something.
  3. To finish record session press 'Stop' button.
  4. You will see result of voice-to-text translation.


  • You need allow access to use your microphone.
  • You can test application only on localhost or https protocol.



  • node v6.11.*
  • mongoDB
  • angular-cli
  • Docker (for development, not required)
  • Docker-compose (for development, not required)


Step 1. Install

cd speech
npm install

Step 2. Configure application

After installing dependencies you should configure application.

At first open config/default.js and fill:

  • host - application host (required)
  • mongoDB url - url to you mongoDB (required).
module.exports = {
    host: 'http://localhost'
    port: 3000
    mongo: {
        url: 'mongodb://mongo/dev',

Step 3. Create Google Speech Application

  1. Open Create project link
  2. Fill project name and click "Create"
  3. Open left menu and select Api Manager -> Credentials
  4. Click "Create credentials" and select "Service account key"
  5. Select "Service account" or select "New service account"
  6. Fill "Service account name" and select role "Project" -> "Owner"
  7. Select "Key type" -> "JSON"
  8. Click "Create". It will start downloading file with credentials
  9. Open this file in text editor and copy all field to config/default.js googleSpeech->credentials

Step 4. Create Google OAuth credentials

  1. Open
  2. Open left menu and select Api Manager -> Credentials
  3. Click "Create credentials" and select "OAuth client ID"
  4. If you receive message To create an OAuth client ID, you must first set a product name on the consent screen click "Configure consent screen"
  5. Fill "Product name shown to users". This field is required. Then click "Save"
  6. Then select web application
  7. Fill name. Fill "Authorized JavaScript origins" type your site host. Fill "Authorized redirect URIs " type google callback. Callback consist of host + callback uri, like that
  8. Click "Create"
  9. You will receive credential for OAuth.
  10. Open file config/default.js. Fill oAuth -> google with clientId secret from step 10.
  11. You need to check callback field. It must be like callback from step 8 but without host. Example api/auth/google/callback

Step 5. Create Facebook OAuth credentials

  1. Open
  2. My Apps -> Add a New App
  3. Fill application name and contact email and click Create App Id
  4. You should see "Product setup" and select "Facebook Login" and click "Get started"
  5. Click "Facebook Login" in left menu
  6. Check options:
  • Client OAuth Login - yes
  • Web OAuth Login - yes
  • Embedded Browser OAuth Login - no
  • Force Web OAuth Reauthentication - no
  1. Fill "Valid OAuth redirect URIs", like host + /api/auth/facebook/callback press enter and click "Save changes". Note: You can use several callback on one application.
  2. Click "Settings" in left menu
  3. Fill "Site Url" like click "Save changes". Note: You can use several sites. Each site separated by space. Example http://localhost:3000
  4. Open file config/default.js. Fill oAuth -> facebook with clientId: App ID , secret: App Secret, App ID, App Secret from "Settings" page.
  5. You need to check callback field. It must be like callback from step 8 but without host. Example api/auth/facebook/callback
  6. For production. Click "App review" in left menu. Turn off Your app is in development and unavailable to the public

Step 6. You application configured. Go section "Start application"

You can have different configuration for production and development mode. For this you need to set field with another configuration in file config/prod.js. You can paste only required fields.

(!) File structure config/prod.js should be like config/default.js When you start application with NODE_ENV=prod application take configuration from config/prod.js.

Start application

Local for production

Important: check you have nodejs v6.11.* and mongoDB v3.4.*.

Step 1. Build frontend for production

Before starting you need to generate/compress/collect all js files for front-end.

Run from project root folder. Command to prepare client app for production: npm run production.prepare.front from root directory.

Or you can use:

cd client 
npm run build.production

Note: For building angular 2 used @angular/cli. Generated and compressed files are stored in folder client/dist.

Step 2. Start backend

For start application run npm start. Application started with NODE_ENV=prod. Credentials are in config/prod.js file

Local for development

Important: check you have nodejs v6.11.* and mongoDB v3.4.*.

Step 1. Start backend

For start backend: npm run

Step 2. Init frontend

For init project you need:

 cd client 
 npm install

Step 3. Start frontend

For the following runs use next commands:

 cd client 
 npm run start.client

Note: Only for development. Client app connected with backend through proxy. By default client app starts on http://localhost:4200 and connects with backend by default localhost:3000. Angular cli proxy configuration: client/proxy.conf.json

Or you can use for Docker-compose for development.


not necessary, just for dev mode

Important: check you have docker and docker-compose

Use Make file for shortcuts. All commands make help

Step 1. Start backend

For start backend run docker-compose up or make app.

If you need stop docker-compose containers use make stop

Step 2. Init frontend

For init project you need:

 cd client 
 npm install

Step 3. Start frontend

For the following runs use next commands:

 cd client 
 npm run start.client


  • express js
  • angular 2
  • RecordRTC
  • Web Speech Api
  • Google Speech Api