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Art Community Management System by Jake Gustafson

To report issues, see (Use the search box to see if your issue is listed before adding a new one).

The table models and schemas are in ./models. Some of them are denormalized for performance (Drkušić, 2016).

Comments in the code marked "(future)" are not from the 8-week project, but are being considered for future versions.

This is only the API (server) but contains general information. For information specific to the React.js client (the service on the port that browsers access), see client/


To view existing issues and see if the issue is already known before reporting an issue, see

For detected security issues see

  • Some of these issues may be invalid as of the last "yarn update" in git history.


sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/mongodb
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/mongodb
sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb
sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/log/mongodb
  • Enable and run:
    • sudo systemctl enable mongod --now
  • Verify:
    • sudo systemctl status mongod
    • mongo is the command to run the mongo shell, which is another way to verify it is working, but you must be running the mongod service first. Run it as the mongodb, otherwise root or some other user may create lock files, socket files or data that will later prevent the service from starting (since the service runs mongod as the mongodb user).
    • If you have errors, see doc/


GNU+Linux systems

  • Install, enable and run MongoDB (See "Requires").
  • Install git and dependencies:
    • Fedora: sudo dnf install git nodejs yarn
    • Debian 10: The nodejs version is too old (~10) but 12 is required, so:
    • Debian >10 or Ubuntu: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git nodejs
      • Says "You may also need development tools to build native addons" so: sudo apt-get install gcc g++ make
      • As of 2020-12-23, Debian 10.7 has node 13.x which is not compatible with the current version of postcss that yarn provides. If you have this problem, you can switch to Node 14 using the NodeSource repository (See

curl -sL | sudo bash -

    - Run `echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list`
    - Install yarn as instructed by the setup_14.x output, such as:
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yarn
  • Get the ArtSpatter source code: git clone
  • Get the project-specific dependencies:
cd artspatter && yarn
cd client && yarn
  • Run: proceed to "Usage"


Note that on Fedora, the Node.js command is node, and on Ubuntu it is nodejs on Ubuntu 18.04 and at least some earlier versions and possibly later versions.

GNU+Linux systems

  • Install and start MongoDB, and then install ArtSpatter (see "Installing").
  • Complete the steps in the "Configuration" section below.
  • In a terminal, cd to the root of the repo and run yarn start-watch
    • run it as a service usually though.
  • Next, you must build and run the react client.

To run the test environment without building the react client, see

Go to (replace with the address). It should say something like "Welcome to the a new ArtSpatter website."

  • If using the IP address but not the address works, ensure you've completed the DNS Setup in the "API Configuration" section first.
  • If changing http to https results in a certificate error, ensure you've completed the certificate setup in the "API Configuration" section first.

API Configuration

  • Create your config/auth.config.js similar to:
module.exports = {
    secret: 'this-is-no-secret', // change this in your instance.
  • Create your config/db.config.js similar to:
module.exports = {
  HOST: 'localhost', //
  PORT: '27017',
  DB: 'artspatter',

Next, complete the "Client Configuration" section of asclient.

  • Create your .env similar to the defaults below (The CLIENT_ORIGIN's port must match PORT in the server one. However, CLIENT_ORIGIN is being deprecated to support a public API--See https:/ for the status of this issue):
API_PORT = 56765
CLIENT_ORIGIN = http://localhost:54445
  • If you have a firewall, allow the port:
    • Debian 10: sudo ufw allow 56765/tcp

Next, complete DNS configuration in the following section.


(A generalized version of these instructions is now at Make a subdomain point to a port such as for a custom service serving http or https)

  • Set namecheap or other DNS provider to Custom DNS to allow your server to manage DNS.
  • Go to, replacing with your Mail-in-a-box (MIAB) subdomain.
  • Log in as the MIAB admin.

Certificate setup (For MIAB, adding the domain to its management system as follows will do the certificate automatically):

  • Make a /home/user-data/www/custom.yaml such as:
    /: http://localhost:56765
  • Note that you must put http (https will be handled automatically).
  • Add a mailbox or alias such as
  • Add a mailbox or alias such as
  • Reload the custom configuration: Go to Web, hit any "Change" button, then "Update".
    • If going to the subdomain in a browser results in a page not found error:
      • wait a while and try the step above again.
      • Run sudo systemctl reload nginx if necessary.
  • System, TLS (SSL) Certificates, provision


For how to maintain the code or setup an IDE, see

Citation Style

Some of the references are cited in the code as opposed to this page. Using markdown format, * denotes italics where specified by APA 7, since this file and the code are plain text files (though this file will change the markings to italics if viewed in a markdown viewer or if converted to another format such as HTML or PDF).


After the 8-week project is complete, adding a feature to connect multiple sites would be a useful feature.

Security with Federating

Federated sites don't necessarily run by the same rules as your site. Choosing federated sites wisely will protect the correct and fair operation of your site.

Therefore, only federate with sites you trust. The following exploits and likely more can result from federating with a server that wants to do harm. There is no way around this. There may be ways to mitigate some issues, but likely not for most or all of these issues and similar ones. ArtSpatter can only provide code, and you are responsible for the code on your own server. However, neither you nor ArtSpatter has any control over the code running on another server.

Federating would result in a new range of security issues, since the other site's API would handle how data is created rather than your site's.

Here are some data manipulations that would affect your site:

  • Post-dating the creation time would artificially boost posts.
  • Sending you database entries without marking the '@' + API_URL after the id would hide the entry's origin and federate you with sites you didn't intend (your site would unknowingly store it as uid + '@' + federatedSiteAPIURL as long as the uid was not already present in your database [The mongoose unique setting hinders this unless they change the uid]).
  • The other site could change the privacy level of posts, or place private user profile data in posts or other incorrect collections that the feature would recieve, process, and filter as if from that collection instead of the User collection.
  • The site could manipulate flag count or self-flagging.
  • They could send you thumbnails of an arbitrary size.



Art Community Management System







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