Created by Ayush Mangal
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You are here to have hands-on code practice with the Polygon Guild Jaipur.
BUIDL-IRL is an offline workshop series for developers to learn and build on the Polygon Network. The workshop series is organized by the Polygon Guild Jaipur.
Timeline: 18th,19th,25th, 26th March and 1st April To register for the workshops, please sign up HERE
In these workshops, we will be building different dApps on the Polygon Network.
Here are the following dApps we will be building in this workshop series:
- [18th March] [NFT Collection dApp]
- [19th March] [NFT Staking dApp]
- [25th March] [Gasless Transactions dApp]
- [26th March] [dApp with Polygon ID]
- [1st April] [dApp on Polygon zkEVM]
This is a monorepo containing complete guide to the dApps which we are going to build in the session. The sessions are planned in a chronological order to build a Full-Stack dApp at the end of the whole workshop series. Therefore each workshop topic is a branch in itself which will be have the required code from the previous sessions and all you have to do is to follow the of that branch to BUIDL.
For Example=>
The staking-dapp
will be preloaded with the code of NFT Staking since we will be using the same contract. All you have to do is checkout to the staking-dapp branch and then follow the code in the README.
Register for the series here.
Give this repo a star ⭐️
Open your terminal and paste the following code:
git clone{username}/BUIDL-IRL.git
Open the folder in your preferred IDE. So, right now you are in the
branch, so we need to shift to first lessonnft-collection
Open the same terminal and paste the following code:
git checkout nft-collection
cd backend
yarn install
So, now you are in the first lesson NFT collection on the nft-collection branch, all dependencies installed and ready to BUIDL.
Follow the of the each branch.
As you complete one by one you can shift to the next branch and complete the tutorials.
- Learn about the Polygon Network and the solutions it provides.
- Experience of building full-stack dApp(s) on the Polygon Network.
- Connect with the Polygon Guild Jaipur community.
- SWAGs escpecially for the participants.
- Opportunity for getting Lens Handle and .polygon domain.
Here is the criteria for getting the SWAGS and Lens Handle:
°There are more swags and opportunities for the participants who will complete the whole workshop series.
Make sure to join the Telegram Group for any queries