A genetic cluster is a grouping of sequences that are markedly more similar to each other than to other sequences in the data set. Genetic clustering has many applications in biology, such as defining taxonomic groups. In the molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases, it can be used to characterize the transmission of a pathogen through the population. For instance, a cluster of sequences can represent a recent transmission outbreak, especially for rapidly-evolving pathogens.
Most clustering methods require the user to select one or more criteria defining groups. clustuneR provides a statistical framework to select optimal clustering criteria, based on the premise that the most effective clustering should maximize our ability to predict the distribution of new cases among clusters.
⚠️ Because clustuneR uses pplacer to graft new sequences onto a phylogenetic tree, it can currently only be run on Linux and macOS systems.
If you have the git
version control system
installed on your computer, you can clone the repository by navigating
to a location of your filesystem where the package will be copied, and
then running
git clone https://github.com/PoonLab/clustuneR.git
If you do not have git
installed, then you can download the most
recent (developmental version) package as a ZIP
or from the Releases
If you have downloaded a .zip
or .tar.gz
archive, you can use
or tar -zvxf
on the command line, or double-click on the
archive file in your desktop environment.
macOS will prevent you from running the pplacer and guppy binaries that are distributed with this package. To bypass this safety mechanism, you will need to follow these steps:
- Use Finder or Terminal to navigate to the
folder in the package directory. - Attempt to execute the
binary. If using Finder, double-click on thepplacer
file, which spawns a Terminal window running the binary. If using Terminal, enter the command./pplacer.Darwin
. Your system should display a pop-up with the message"pplacer" cannot be opened because the developed cannot be verified
. Click on the Cancel button to dismiss the pop-up. - Open the System Settings app and click on the Privacy & Security
tab. In one of the panels, you should see the following label:
"pplacer.Darwin" was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer
. Click on the Allow Anyway button. - Repeat step 2. The pop-up message should now be changed to
macOS cannot verify the developer of "pplacer.Darwin". Are you sure you want to open it?
Click on the Open button. Your Terminal window should now be updated with the following text:
Warning: pplacer couldn't find any sequences to place. Please supply an alignment with sequences to place as an argument at the end of the command line.
This means the program is running properly. - Repeat steps 2-4 by substituting
You can find similar instructions on the Apple website at https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT202491
If you do not want to trust the binaries in this package distribution, you can download the macOS binaries directly from the Matsen lab GitHub release page or compile them from source yourself.
Use cd clustuneR
to enter the package directory and run the following
command to install the package into R:
You should see something like this on your console:
* installing to library ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/library’
* installing *source* package ‘clustuneR’ ...
** using staged installation
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (clustuneR)
The process will pause at moving datasets to lazyloadDB
because there
are several large binary files (pplacer
and guppy
) that are included
with this package distribution.
clustuneR can optimize clustering methods based on either pairwise genetic distances (graph-based clustering) or a phylogenetic tree (subtree-based clustering). At minimum, you will need to start with an alignment of genetic sequences and the respective sample collection dates as metadata.
The general workflow is:
- Partition the sequences into subsets of known and new cases, based on collection dates.
- Generate sets of clusters from the known cases under varying clustering criteria.
- Obtain the distribution of new cases among clusters under the different criteria as a measure of cluster growth.
- Fit a null model of cluster growth as a count outcome predicted by cluster size.
- Fit an alternate model of cluster growth incorporating additional metadata, e.g., sampling dates.
- Generate a ∆AIC profile comparing the fits of these models under varying clustering criteria.
A graph consists of a set of nodes and edges. Each node represents an infection. An edge between nodes indicates that the genetic similarity of the respective infections falls below some threshold. Conventionally, we interpret each connected component of the graph as a cluster. A connected component is a group of nodes such that (1) every node can be reached from another node through a path of edges, and (1) there are no edges to nodes outside of the group. Varying the threshold for edges yields different sets of clusters.
In the following example, we start by reading in a sequence alignment (a published set of anonymized HIV-1 sequences from Canada), extracting metadata from the sequence labels, and identifying a subset of new sequences:
seqs <- ape::read.FASTA("data/na.fasta", type="DNA")
# parse sequence headers (alternatively import from another file)
seq.info <- parse.headers(names(seqs), sep="_",
var.names=c('accession', 'coldate', 'subtype'),
var.transformations=c(as.character, as.Date, as.factor)
seq.info$colyear <- year(seq.info$coldate)
# determine newest year for growth
which.new <- which(seq.info$colyear == max(seq.info$colyear))
You may already have these metadata in the form of a tabular data set (i.e., a CSV file), in which case you can simply load these metadata as a data frame.
Next, we need to load a list of edges, where each row specifies two node labels and a distance. These data can be generated from a sequence alignment using the program TN93. The resulting output file is enormous (>34MB), so we do not include it in this package!
# load genetic distances (run `tn93 -t 1 -o na.tn93.csv na.fasta`)
edge.info <- read.csv("data/na.tn93.csv")
obj <- read.edges(edge.info, seq.info, which.new)
# generate cluster sets under varying parameter settings
cutoffs <- seq(0, 0.04, length.out=50)
param.list <- lapply(cutoffs, function(x) {
list(dist.thresh=x, time.var="colyear")
cluster.sets <- multi.cluster(obj, param.list, component.cluster)
By specifying a time.var
argument in param.list
, we are fitting a
model to the distribution of sample collection years to predict edges
between cases. For a more detailed explanation of this method, please
refer to the vignettes.
The last step of the analysis is to fit regression models to the distribution of new cases among clusters.
ptrans <- list("Weight"=sum)
pmods <- list(
"NullModel"=function(x) glm(Growth~Size, data=x, family="poisson"),
"AltModel"=function(x) glm(Growth~Weight, data=x, family="poisson")
res <- fit.analysis(cluster.sets, models=pmods, transforms=ptrans)
gaic <- get.AIC(res, param.list)
Here, gaic
is a data frame that stores the key result of our
analysis - the AIC values associated with the two models under varying
clustering thresholds. The optimal TN93 distance cutoff is identified by
the greatest difference between the AICs of the alternative and null
models, which we can visualize as a plot:
plot(cutoffs, gaic$AltModel - gaic$NullModel, type='l',
lwd=2, col='cadetblue',
xlab="TN93 distance cutoffs", ylab="delta-AIC")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
A phylogenetic tree is a hypothesis about how different populations are related by their common ancestors. In the context of molecular epidemiology, the ancestral nodes in a tree relating different infections can approximate transmission events in the past. Thus, a cluster of sequences connected by short branches in the tree may represent an outbreak.
As above, we start the same set of anonymized HIV-1 sequences in
. First, we generate a new alignment excluding any
sequences collected in the most recent year:
ape::write.FASTA(seqs[-which.new], file="data/na-old.fasta")
Next, we use a maximum likelihood program such as IQ-TREE to reconstruct a tree relating these “old” sequences:
iqtree -bb 1000 -m GTR -nstop 200 -s na-old.fasta
Note we’ve requested a specific model of nucleotide substitution (GTR)
to bypass the model selection stage of this program. Even so, this is a
time-consuming step - to speed things up, we’ve provided these IQ-TREE
output files at data/na.nwk
and data/na.log
clustuneR uses a program (
) that can work with the outputs of IQ-TREE, FastTree and RAxML. You’ll have to specify which ML tree reconstruction program you used in the next step.
Assuming you’ve kept R running, our next step is to import the ML tree
into R. (If you quit R, you’ll have to repeat the previous steps to
import the alignment and parse headers.) We can then use pplacer
use maximum likelihood to graft the “new” sequences onto this tree.
phy <- ape::read.tree("data/na.nwk")
phy <- import.tree(phy, seq.info)
phy.extend <- extend.tree(phy, seqs, log.file="data/na.log")
We can reuse the cutoffs
vector from the previous example to configure
a new parameter list for generating different sets of clusters. In this
case, we have two criteria: (1) a threshold for the total branch length
from each tip to the root of a subtree, and (2) the bootstrap support
for the subtree:
param.list <- lapply(cutoffs, function(x) list(branch.thresh=x, boot.thresh=0.95))
cluster.sets <- multi.cluster(phy.extend, param.list, step.cluster)
We also need to specify two different regression models to fit to these sets of clusters. Unlike our graph clustering example, we are going to simply add the mean sample collection date of sequences in each cluster as a second model term:
p.models = list(
"NullModel"=function(x) glm(Growth~Size, data=x, family="poisson"),
"TimeModel"=function(x) glm(Growth~Size+coldate, data=x, family="poisson")
# average sample collection dates across nodes in each cluster
p.trans = list("coldate"=mean)
res <- fit.analysis(cluster.sets, models=p.models, transforms=p.trans)
gaic <- get.AIC(res, param.list)
Finally, we can plot the difference in AIC between the models to select an optimal branch threshold:
plot(cutoffs, gaic$TimeModel - gaic$NullModel, type='l',
lwd=2, col='cadetblue', xlab="Branch threshold", ylab="delta-AIC")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
If you use clustuneR for your work, please cite one of the following references:
Chato C, Kalish ML, Poon AF. Public health in genetic spaces: a statistical framework to optimize cluster-based outbreak detection. Virus evolution. 2020 Jan;6(1):veaa011.
Chato C, Feng Y, Ruan Y, Xing H, Herbeck J, Kalish M, Poon AF. Optimized phylogenetic clustering of HIV-1 sequence data for public health applications. PLOS Computational Biology. 2022 Nov 30;18(11):e1010745.
This package includes the binaries for pplacer and guppy (https://matsen.fhcrc.org/pplacer, released under the GPLv3 license), which are used to add new tips onto a fixed tree to simulate cluster growth prospectively.
- Matsen FA, Kodner RB, Armbrust EV. pplacer: linear time maximum-likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic placement of sequences onto a fixed reference tree. BMC bioinformatics. 2010 Dec;11(1):1-6.
This package includes some anonymized HIV-1 sequences that were placed in the public domain in association with the following publication:
- Vrancken B, Adachi D, Benedet M, Singh A, Read R, Shafran S, Taylor GD, Simmonds K, Sikora C, Lemey P, Charlton CL. The multi-faceted dynamics of HIV-1 transmission in Northern Alberta: A combined analysis of virus genetic and public health data. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 2017 Aug 1;52:100-5.