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Create a Lambda function, a HTTP API and deploy the Identity API

Aditya Abeysinghe edited this page Mar 9, 2024 · 2 revisions

Before creating the Lambda function, create a IAM (Identity and Access Management) role to enable the function to execute in the VPC that was created.

Create a new role in IAM with the following settings:

  • Search IAM and select Roles in the left menu
  • Click Create Role and enter the following details:
    • Type of trusted entity - AWS service
    • Service or use case - Lambda and click Next
    • Permissions policies - Select AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole and click Next
    • Role name - (Enter a role name)
  • Click Create role

After the role has been added, a Lambda function should be created.

Create a Lambda function with the following settings:

  • Search Lambda
  • Click Create function and enter the following details:
    • Select the option Author from scratch
    • Function name - identity
    • Runtime - Select .NET 6 (C#/PowerShell).
    • Click Change default execution role then Use an existing role and select the IAM role created.
    • Click Advanced settings and select Enable VPC. Then enter the following details:
      • VPC - Select the VPC created
      • Subnets - Select the private subnet
      • Security groups - Select the default VPC security group
  • Click Create function
  • In runtime settings, change the handler to IdentityWebAPI

Then create a Http API in API Gateway with following:

  • Search API Gateway
  • Click Build under HTTP API
  • Click the Add integration button and enter the following details:
    • Select Lambda
    • AWS Region - (default).
    • Lambda function - Select the lambda function created
    • Version - Select 2.0
    • API name - identity and click Next
    • Configure routes:
      • Method - ANY
      • Resource path - /{proxy+}
      • Integration target - Select the lambda created and click Next.
    • Configure stages - Development and click Next.
  • Click Create

Finally, deploy the API cloned from the IdentityWebApi Repository in the Lambda function.

  • Add the RDS connection string of the instance of Installation of DB with the server instance, database name, user id, and password to appsettings.json and eformsettings.json files

    • ConnectionDB key in IdentityWebApi/IdentityWebApi/appsettings.json

    • ConnectionDB key in IdentityWebApi/EntityORM/eformsettings.json

    E.g.: Data Source = [Server name]; Initial Catalog = IdentityPM; User ID = [userid]; Password = [Password]

  • In a command prompt go to the project root in the local system and navigate to IdentityWebApi\IdentityWebApi and run the following command to publish the API dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained false -r linux-x64 -o publish

  • In the file explorer, go to the project's root and navigate to IdentityWebApi\IdentityWebApi\publish folder

  • Select all the items and zip the items

  • Go to the lambda function and in Upload from combo box choose .zip file and choose the zip file that was created

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