1.0.1 - 1.16 update part 2
V1.0.1 - 1.16 update part 2
Added :
- Honey block, honeycomb, target block, lodestone, netherite block
- More nether blocks :
Ancient debris
Crimson planks, warped planks, stripped crimson and warped stem
Crimson door, trapdoor, warped trapdoor
Chiseled and cracked nether bricks
Soul lantern and soul torch - All command blocks textures, brand new albedo, normals and specular.
- Brewing stand base albedo, normals and specular
- Quartz brick, end rod
Changed :
- Cleaner normals for gold block and diamond block
- Chiseled quartz block, reduced baked-in ao, added Pom
- Sea lantern, now with pom and some non-emissive frame
- More subtle normals/pom for the blast furnace
- Adjusted dark oak door and trapdoor albedo
Fixed :
- Reduced the size of animated textures
- New chest texture format
- Lantern/Soul lantern emissive texture now correct
- Correct emissive textures for furnace/blast furnace
- Fixed concretes and vines with incorrect labPBR emissives
- Missing albedo : crimson stem, warped stem, sea lantern, shulker box...
- Missing normals : cauldron bottom, smooth quartz
- Missing specular : dead bush, yellow bed
Removed :
- Christmas chest textures