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Get Graph Query Language with PowerShell.

GQL is a small PowerShell module for GraphQL.

It is designed to provide a simple GraphQL client in PowerShell.

We can use this as a direct client to GraphQL, without having to involve any other layer.

GQL Container

You can use the GQL module within a container:

docker pull
docker run -it

Installing and Importing

Install-Module GQL -Scope CurrentUser -Force
Import-Module GQL -Force -PassThru


To connect to a GQL and get results, use Get-GQL, or, simply GQL.

(like all functions in PowerShell, it is case-insensitive)

More Examples

Get-GQL Example 1

# Getting git sponsorship information from GitHub GraphQL.
# **To use this example, we'll need to provide `$MyPat` with a Personal Access Token.**        
Get-GQL -Query ./Examples/GitSponsors.gql -PersonalAccessToken $myPat

Get-GQL Example 2

# We can decorate graph object results to customize them.