This is a simple aml-screening-service
Banks are responsible for stopping money laundering. Hence it is necessary to avoid money transfers to terrorists and criminals. The list of such persons is published by EU:
Your task is to implement simple webservice to compare given name against sanctioned list to detect such transfers.
Your API should have following functionality:
- Webservice with name as input and it should return if name match exists. True/false and extra data if needed.
- The webservice should be able to handle noisewords (example: the, to, an, mrs, mr, and) that need to be ignored.
- The webservice should detect names with spelling errors and also return as few "false positive" matches as possible.
- Webservices to add, update and remove sanctioned names.
Implement using Java or Kotlin and Spring framework.
Sanctioned names should be stored in a database. (In-memory database can be used)
Open source libraries can be used.
Source code should be stored in a git based version control system.
There is Sanctioned name: "Osama Bin Laden". Out of the box your API should detect at least the following user entries:
- "Osama Laden"
- "Osama Bin Laden"
- "Bin Laden, Osama"
- "Laden Osama Bin"
- "to the osama bin laden"
- "osama and bin laden"
In reality, name matching is not a trivial task. Matches could happen also based on:
- Substring matches - sl: "Robert", user: "Bert"
- Ignoring spelling errors - sl: "Madis", user: "Madus"
- Abbreviations - sl: "Joe Luis Webb", user: "Joe L. Webb"
- Noisewords - sl: "Mr. John Smith" user: "John Smith"
This test can be either completed at home or during a pair programming exercise.
When implementing at home:
You should aim to spend no longer than 4 hours on your solution.
We would rather you complete less functionality to a good standard than rushing to try to complete it all.
Show us your workings by initialising a git repo and committing your changes as you go.
Your submission should be considered the quality you would expect to open a PR, not to merge one. We don't expect the submission to be production standard or gold plated.
Submit your sample by bundling your git repo (git bundle create name.bundle --all) and emailing the bundle to us (via your recruiter if you have one).
The submission will be followed up with a review call where we will ask you to walk us through your solution. We will then ask you to extend it with some additional functionality.
When implementing in a Pairing session:
We want to mimic real life as much as possible. This means that candidate should be able to google or ask questions.
We will spend 5 minutes introducing the challenge, 40 minutes coding and 15 minutes discussing the solution.
Install PostgreSQL
$ brew install postgresql
Start PostgreSQL service
$ brew services start postgresql # or "brew services run postgresql" to have it not restart at boot time
Run AmlScreeningServiceApplication
with VM Option
$ docker compose up
This should run postgreSQL and service in docker using the docker file