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Preternatural CLI

preternatural is a command line tool to help building and updating Xcode Projects, Workspaces and Swift packages.


brew (Recommended)

  1. Install brew if not already installed using the /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" command.
  2. Add the PreternaturalAI/preternatural tap using the brew tap PreternaturalAI/preternatural command.
  3. Install the preternatural cli using the brew install preternatural command.


  1. Install mint if not already installed using the brew install mint command.
  2. Add Mint to your path by running echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.mint/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshrc (and restart your Terminal app) so that tools installed via Mint will be available without having to do mint run (i.e. mint run foo can now just be foo)
  3. Install preternatural binary via mint: mint install PreternaturalAI/cli-binary preternatural

You can now use the preternatural command from your command line. See all the available options using preternatural --help.


After installing preternatural with mint, there are some issues related to interactive input when running the archive subcommand. Thus, it is recommended to install preternatural via brew instead.



Build Xcode projects, packages and workspaces. This command builds all projects, packages and workspaces that it finds within the current working directory. It also searches in sub-directories. If a project or package is found to be referenced from a workspace, by default this command will prioritize building it from the workspace as opposed to the standalone project or package.

preternatural build [options]


  • --derived-data-path <path>: Path to the derived data folder
  • --build-all-platforms: Builds for all supported platforms
  • --verbose: Enable verbose logging
  • --isolated: Prioritises building standalone Xcode projects instead of the referenced projects in an Xcode Workspace
  • --update-developer-team: Autoconfigure the developer team for Xcode projects. Warning - this option updates the Xcode project with a new developer team
  • --attempt-automatic-fixes: If build fails for a project or workspace, attempts to fix the build by updating code signing and dependecies. This does not update the original Xcode project or workspace, it makes a temporary copy and tries updating and building the temporary copy


preternatural build --build-all-platforms --update-developer-team


Update the dependencies of Xcode projects, packages and workspaces.

preternatural update [options]


  • --derived-data-path <path>: Path to the derived data folder
  • --verify: Verify the update process. Builds any projects / packages / workspaces that had changes
  • --verbose: Enable verbose logging
  • --build-all-platforms: Builds for all supported platforms
  • --isolated: Prioritises building standalone Xcode projects instead of the referenced projects in an Xcode Workspace
  • --update-developer-team: Autoconfigure the developer team for Xcode projects. Warning - this option updates the Xcode project with a new developer team


preternatural update --verify --build-all-platforms

Generate Workspace

This command searches for an Xcode project within the current working directory, and acts on the first project that it finds. It will generate an Xcode workspace, clone all remote dependencies of the Xcode project in a folder called Dependencies and link them as local references in the Workspace.

preternatural generate workspace [name]


  • name: Name of the workspace to generate (default: All)


preternatural generate workspace MyWorkspace

Add Package

Add a Swift package to the Xcode project or workspace. This command will recursively search for Xcode projects and workspaces in the current working directory, and add the package to all projects and workspaces.

preternatural add <package-url>


  • package-url: The URL of the Swift package to add


preternatural add


Archive and export a notarized and stapled .zip for the macOS app. Recursively searches in the current working directory for a project or workspace that contains the given target, and will archive the first one. If no target is specified, it will auto-determine the primary target of the first found project or workspace file and archive it.

preternatural archive [options]


  • --target: The target to archive. If not specified, the primary target will be used
  • --output: The output path for the archived .zip file. If not specified, a default path will be used
  • --team-id: The Team ID to use while notarizing.
  • --custom-bundle-prefix: The custom Bundle ID prefix to set when exporting the app (Example: com.custom)
  • --verbose: Enable verbose logging
  • --debug: Build the app in debug configuration. (It is built in release configuration by default)


Before running the archive command, it is recommended to set the Apple ID and password for notarization using the preternatural config set-notary-credentials subcommand. If credentials have not been set before, they will be interactively asked when the command runs. Make sure that a Developer ID Application Certificate has been generated for the Team ID that you are trying to notarize with.


preternatural archive --target MyApp --output ./output/ --debug

preternatural archive --team-id TEAM_ID --custom-bundle-prefix com.custom --verbose

Fix Codesigning

Fixes codesigning by fetching and applying codesigning certificates from the keychain.

preternatural fix codesigning [input]


  • input: Path to the project or workspace file to be fixed. If not specified, codesigning fixes will be applied to all projects and workspaces in the current directory


preternatural fix codesigning ./MyProject.xcodeproj


Clone an Xcode workspace or project.

preternatural clone <input> <output>


  • input: The input workspace or project file path. Can be a relative or full path to an .xcworkspace or .xcodeproj file. Optionally, you can specify a target using the format: .xcodeproj/ or .xcworkspace/
  • output: The output directory path where the cloned project will be saved


preternatural clone ./MyProject.xcodeproj ./ClonedProject


The config set-notary-credentials command allows you to set notarization credentials to be used with the archive subcommand. These credentials are securely stored in the keychain and are used by the archive subcommand when exporting the application archive.


  • --apple-id: Your App Store Connect Apple ID to be used for notarization
  • --password: Your app-specific password to be used for notarization. See how to generate an app-specific password here
  • --team-id: The Team ID to use while notarizing. Make sure that a Developer ID Application Certificate has been generated for this Team ID


preternatural config set-notary-credentials --apple-id --password your_password --team-id TEAM_ID


You can store multiple credentials for different Team IDs. The appropriate stored credential will be found by the archive command by matching the --team-id that you provide.

Additional Information

For more detailed information on each command and its options, you can use the --help flag with any command or subcommand:

preternatural --help
preternatural build --help
preternatural generate workspace --help

This will provide you with a detailed description of the command and all available options.