Webmon is a website availability monitoring tool, populating a database, via a Kafka.
Webmon is a website availability monitoring tool. It pushes results to a PostgreSQL database. It also uses a Kafa topic in the middle to decouple to collection of data and the storage in database.
It sends HTTP requests to a list of websites on a regular basis. It matches the content of the responses against a regular expression dedicated to each website. Then it saves the data in two steps:
- it pushes metrics to a Kafka topic, in a serialized JSON
b'{"rsp_tm": 42000, "status": 200, "url": "https://google.com", "check": true,
"timestamp": "2023-04-16 09:02:42.068288+00:00", "source": ""}'
- it retrieves the JSON from Kafka and inserts it in a PostgreSQL table as a row
INSERT INTO default_table (time_stamp, source, target, elasped_us, status, valid)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
('2023-04-16 09:02:42.068288+00:00', '', 'https://google.com', 42000, 200, True)
Download or clone this repository locally.
Build and install the module locally:
python3 -m build
python3 -m pip install .
Run webmon:
python3 -m webmon
Download or clone this repository locally.
You may want to install the required python modules, possibly in a venv:
python3 -m venv myvenv
. myvenv/Scripts/activate
# Later...
Build, install and test the webmon module locally:
python3 -m build
python3 -m pip install -e .[test]
python3 -m pytest --cov --cov-report=html:htmlcov -vv
python3 -m bandit -r src tests
python3 -m pylint --disable=C0301 src tests
python3 -m flake8 --ignore=E501 src tests
You can display the results of the code coverage in your web browser:
Run webmon:
python3 -m webmon
The first time you may need to generate and edit a configuration file:
python3 -m webmon --generate-config config.yaml
Here is the generated config.yaml file:
# See: https://kafka-python.readthedocs.io/en/master/apidoc/KafkaProducer.html
bootstrap_servers: "kafka-ip:9092"
security_protocol: "SSL"
ssl_cafile: "/path/to/ca.pem"
ssl_certfile: "/path/to/service.cert"
ssl_keyfile: "/path/to/service.key"
# Settings for batches of messages:
#batch_size: 16384
#linger_ms: 0
# See: https://kafka-python.readthedocs.io/en/master/apidoc/KafkaConsumer.html
bootstrap_servers: "kafka-ip:9092"
security_protocol: "SSL"
ssl_cafile: "/path/to/ca.pem"
ssl_certfile: "/path/to/service.cert"
ssl_keyfile: "/path/to/service.key"
# See: https://www.psycopg.org/docs/module.html
dsn: "postgres://user:password@host-ip:5432/db-name?sslmode=require"
kafka-topic: "default_topic"
pg-table: "default_table"
# - url: "https://www.google.com"
# regex: "<title>Google</title>"
# period: 120
# - url: "https://google.com"
# regex: "<title>Google</title>"
# period: 10
After you have edited your settings, you can monitor some websites by listing them in the config file and/or in the command line.
- in the config.yaml:
- url: "https://www.google.com"
regex: "<title>Google</title>"
period: 120
- url: "https://google.com"
regex: "<title>Bing</title>"
period: 10
- in the command line:
python3 -m webmon --config config.yaml \
--website-regex-period "https://www.google.com" "<title>Google</title>" 42 \
--website-regex-period "https://google.com" "<title>Google</title>" 10
The websites in the command line overrides the websites from the configuration if they have the same 'url'.
Please consult the help content:
python3 -m webmon --help
python3 -m pip uninstall --yes webmon
This is a work in progress.
It can be extended in several ways:
- use Schemas to generically decode/encode/transform data from one structure to another, eg. Apache Flink, Kafka Connect
- propose more providers on all ends, eg. HTTP POST, Couchbase, M3DB
- use systemd to manage the services of webmon
- propose to generate graphs in an Observability Platform, eg. Grafana