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Moros edited this page Aug 26, 2020 · 3 revisions

Modifiers (introduced in v1.5.1)

Modifiers are the new way to fine tune your bending configuration!

Currently they are used to dynamically change ability values while the player is in AvatarState. It's likely that more options other than AvatarState (e.g. full moon, Sozin's comet etc) will be available in future updates.

Modifiers can be configured in Hyperion's directory inside a file called modifiers.yml

They use PK's attribute system so any ability using that system is supported (such as Hyperion's or PK's Core abilities). Do note that the modification takes place during the AbilityStartEvent so some values might not be affected (it depends on the ability implementation).

Example: modifiers.yml

    ChargeTime: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    ChargeTime: 0
    Damage: 10
    Range: 48
    ChargeTime: 0
    Cooldown: 0

The format is: AvatarState.AbilityName.AttributeName: Value

Basic Attributes. There are also other attributes with custom names.

Note 1: Some abilities might use a different internal name.

Note 2: The value must correspond to the type of attribute.

It's recommended you thoroughly test the abilities while in AvatarState after setting the modifiers as any incorrect modifiers will throw warnings in your server's console. To find how they are used I suggest checking the source code but most of them have descriptive names.

Custom attributes at the time of writing:


  • MagmaModifier
  • Power
  • PrisonCooldown
  • PrisonDuration
  • PrisonPoints
  • RegenDelay
  • Resistance

PK Core

  • Arc
  • ArcIncrement
  • AttackRange
  • ChainArcChance
  • ChainRange
  • ChiBlockBoost
  • ChiBlockChance
  • ClickCooldown
  • ClickDuration
  • ClickLandSpeed
  • ClickLavaSpeed
  • ClickRadius
  • ControlRadius
  • CookTime
  • CrushCooldown
  • CrushDamage
  • DeflectRange
  • Depth
  • DiscCooldown
  • DiscDuration
  • DiscFireTicks
  • DiscRadius
  • DoubleChance
  • EntityCarryDuration
  • EntityCarryHeight
  • ExplosionRange
  • ExplosivePower
  • ExtinguishCooldown
  • ExtinguishRadius
  • FlightDuration
  • FreezeCooldown
  • FreezeDepth
  • FreezeRadius
  • GoldHearts
  • GrabDuration
  • GrabRange
  • GrowSpeed
  • Hits
  • IceRevertTime
  • InitialLength
  • InitialRadius
  • Jump
  • Length
  • LightningDamage
  • MagnetCooldown
  • MagnetRange
  • MagnetSpeed
  • MaxArcAngle
  • MaxChainArcs
  • MaxIceBlasts
  • MaxPunches
  • MaxRadius
  • MaxShots
  • MaxUses
  • MeltCooldown
  • MeltRadius
  • MeltRange
  • MeltSpeed
  • NumberOfSpikes
  • ParalyzeDodgeBoost
  • PotionPotency
  • PunchDamage
  • PunchLength
  • Resistance
  • ShieldCooldown
  • ShieldDuration
  • ShieldFireTicks
  • ShieldRadius
  • ShiftCooldown
  • ShiftRadius
  • ShiftSpeed
  • ShootCooldown
  • ShootRange
  • SlowCooldown
  • SlowDuration
  • SlowPotency
  • SolidifyRadius
  • SolidifyRange
  • SphereRadius
  • Strength
  • StunChance
  • StunDuration
  • SubArcChance
  • SuccessiveDamage
  • ThawRadius
  • TrapHealth
  • TripleChance
  • UsageCooldown
  • WaterArcRange
  • WaveRadius
  • WhipLength
  • WhipSpeed