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Private Parlor XT

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A featureful Telegram bot to make an anonymous, private group chat on Telegram.

Inspired by secretlounge-ng

Using the Tourmaline Telegram bot library.

Notable Features

  • Anonymously relay text, photos, albums, polls, videos and more to other people using the bot.
  • Restrict new users from sending media by configuring the media limit period.
  • Define new ranks via the configuration file with permissions to use various commands and media.
  • Make tripcodes harder to crack by adding a salt to the config file.
  • Add a spoiler to media before they're sent; or add a spoiler after the fact using the /spoiler command.
  • Pin and unpin messages to the chat.
  • Privately reveal your username to another user.
  • Print log messages to a Telegram channel
  • Kick users that have been inactive for a configurable period of time.
  • Send forwarded messages as photos, videos, animations, etc. to prevent rate limiting.
  • Have users automatically send every message with a tripcode using pseudonymous mode.
  • Store message history in the database to reduce RAM usage.
  • Localization in English, German, and Klingon.
  • Persist message history longer or less than 24 hours.
  • Prevent new users from joining by closing registration via the config file.
  • Upvote and Downvote messages.
  • Register commands with BotFather using the config file.
  • Enable or disable commands and relaying of certain types of messages using the config file.
  • Give users a level based on how much karma they have; user's can sign messages with their level using the /ksign command.
  • Reduce noise and enforce original messages using the Robot 9000 auto moderator.
  • And more!


Compiling PrivateParlor XT requires having both crystal and shards installed.

git clone
cd private-parlor-xt
shards install
shards build --release

Alternatively, you can download the precompiled binaries from Releases

BotFather Setup

  1. Start a conversation with BotFather
  2. Make a new bot with /newbot and answer the prompts
  3. /setprivacy: enabled
  4. /setjoingroups: disabled


  1. Rename config.yaml.copy to config.yaml
  2. Edit config file
  • The config file should at least contain the API Token received from Botfather and a path to a SQLite database
  • Unless the database already exists, Private Parlor XT will create a new SQLite database at the given path
  1. Run the private-parlor-xt binary


Development instructions are as follows:

  • Ensure code conforms to the Crystal API coding style
  • Explicitly define return types and types for variables and parameters
  • Document your code
  • Write some specs for your code
  • Lint using Ameba; remove as many warnings as possible


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
