Data Structures provide us a convenient way of storing and handling data into our project. With the absence of inbuilt data structure developers usually face problems
This Package is aimed to provide users quick strucures and algorithms at their finger tips
Latest Version - 2.0.0
const structures=require("quick-structures");
console.log(new structures().classes);
console.log(new structures())//in depth view of all the classes
Newly Updates
Added Avl Tree
Added RedBlack and Segment Tree
Added Heap
Added Probbing
Added Circularity to structures
Added B+Tree
Added multiple chained structures
Added pathogens and priorities to structures
Added Trie
Debugged Map and DFS
Changed Structure export style
For now this Package includes
- LinkedList
- Graph
- Binary Tree
- Maps
- Queue
- Stacks
- Set
- Vectors
- Matrix and Sparse Matrix
- Trie
- Avl Tree
- B+ Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- RedBlack Tree
- Segment Tree
- Min and Max Heap
- Probbing
- Double Linked List
- Priority Queue
- Pathoginc Tree
- Chained Hash Table
Implementation of other structures follow the same pattern
Algortihms for most of the data structures are included in the package like
- Sorting
- Min/Max
- Nodes Count
- Depth
- Hashing
- Rotations
- Colour Mapping
- Min Order Mapping
- etc.
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