Releases: ProdigyMathGameHacking/Reviewer_fork
Reviewer 1.0.0 Release
accept: Accepts a bug report. Can only be run in #pending-bugs-queue channel by bug hunters.
addbughunter: Adds a bug hunter.
adddev: Adds a developer to the Reviewer bot.
buy: Purchases a perk from the store.
deldev: Adds a developer to the Reviewer bot.
deny: Denies a bug report. Can only be run in #pending-bugs-queue channel by bug hunters.
embed: Creates an embed with specified message
forceaccept: Force accepts a bug report. Can only be run in #pending-bugs-queue channel by bug hunters.
forcedeny: Force denies a bug report. Can only be run in #pending-bugs-queue channel by bug hunters.
givetokens: Gives tokens a bug hunter.
hackinfo: Instructions on how to hack.
help: Sends this help message.
launch: Launch someone into space!
mock: Mock some text just like spongemock.
note: Adds a note to a bug report. Can only be run in #pending-bugs-queue channel by bug hunters.
profile: Gets user info for a user.
report: Issues a new bug report. Can only be run in a DM with the Reviewer bot.
shop: The store where you can exchange bug tokens for cool perks!
store: The store where you can exchange bug tokens for cool perks!
user: Gets user info for a user.
verify: Connect your discord account to github. Can only be run in #github-verification channel.