This application is designed to help users browse, reserve, and rent books from the library. In addition, it supports book recommendations for purchase, ratings, and search functionalities. The application is available for both web and mobile devices, providing access to different user roles, including admins and regular users.
- Browse books: Explore the complete collection of books available in the library.
- Book reservation and rental: Easily reserve or rent books.
- Book recommendations: Suggesting new books to add to the library's collection.
- Book rating: Rate books based on your reading experience.
- Search functionality: Quickly find books by title, author, or genre.
- User roles: Distinct access levels for admin and regular users.
- React for frontend development
- npm as the package manager
- Material UI for styling
- Node.js (20+)
- npm
To run the application locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone cd rbc3-library-fe
Install dependencies:
To install the necessary dependencies, run the following command:
npm install
Run the application::
npm start
By default, the application will run on http://localhost:3000.
Merge to master will trigger CICD pipeline that has following stages:
- Build App and the Docker image
- Push Docker image to the registry
- Update deployment configuration file to contain newly built image tag
- Deploy new deployment configuration