This is my first Github Repository, feel free to correct my mistakes in any of the files submitted here.
Goosey-tui, its written in C, used to have a quick access to any regular apps you use with ease. Add a quick access by using the key F2, writting the name to be displayed and the command you wish to be executed, once done, execute it using F3, also you can remove your last added quick access with F1. It counts with autosaving so your changes will always be remembered unless you delete the .txt files that contain them.
How to install: Clone this repository
$ git clone
Go to the goosey file.
$ cd ~/goosey/build
Use Cmake and make to install it.
$ cmake .. && sudo make
Then you can simply execute it with "goosey".
$ goosey
***Forkers: For any graphical changes you may like to access "declarations.c" that contains all the fuctions used in "main.c"