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byNoobiYT edited this page Mar 23, 2020 · 2 revisions

Command List


  • stop - Only Progens owner can use this command!


  • xprank - Compare your xp with the servercommunity
  • xpnotify - Enable or disable the lvl up notification
  • xp - Get the xp


  • music - Plays music of all kind with progen in your voice channel
  • playlist - Handles Playlists! Playlists are globally available. That means you can use them on every guild with Progen!


  • kick - Kick a user from this Server
  • ban - Ban a user from this Server
  • warn - Warn a user
  • warnlist - List all active alerts of your server in a table or retrieve custom alerts from specific users
  • warndelete - Delete warn of a user
  • mute - Mute a user
  • unmute - unmute a muted user
  • clear - Clear some messages that are no older than two weeks
  • pc - You can create your private temporary voice channel. With the add command you can allowaccess to your channel. If no one is in it, it will be removed.


  • ping - Ping pong the game.
  • hasvoted - Shows if a user has voted for Progen.
  • userinfo - Get user information.
  • info - All infos and links about Progen and his Team.
  • tempchannel
  • say - Let the bot write a message.
  • guildinfo - Get guild information.
  • register - The usage of this command is shown in the web interface.


  • cf - Progen's mini game. Play with a friend. Use this command with: cf .


  • notify - Returns the role Notify. This is a kind of newsletter with which you can be pinned for news.
  • vote - Create a survey on your server.
  • changeprefix - Changes the bot's prefix.

Getting Started

  • Invite
  • How to Invite
  • Vote



  • Owner
  • Moderation
  • User
  • Music
  • Settings
  • Fun
  • XP
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