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  • Install JDK version >= 17
  • Install Maven

    Run this script to set it up
  • Install Git
  • Install Node.js and npm (with nvm)
    • Configure default registry: npm config set registry
  • Python version 2.7 + pip for Python 2
  • Install Ansible (see Ansible)


Current version of VitamUI depends on Ansible version 2.7.0 in order to run installation scripts.

With VirtualEnv

In order not to interfere with more recent Ansible version, deploy a Python VirtualEnv in which you install Ansible 2.7.0:

  • Check that VirtualEnv executable is installed: apt-get install python-virtualenv
  • In a directory of your choice, create the virtual environment: virtualenv --python=python2.7 vitamUI-ansible
  • Activate the environment: source vitamUI-ansible/bin/activate

Without VirtualEnv

  • First remove older versions of Ansible before re-installing it: pip uninstall ansible.
  • Si une version d'ansible a été installée via apt-get install, il est nécessaire de la désinstaller : apt-get remove ansible

Common steps

  • Install Ansible 2.7.0: pip install ansible==2.7.0
  • Check the version of ansible: ansible --version

Il est possible que l'ajout du lien vers ansible dans le PATH et/ou qu'un redémarrage soit nécessaire


  • Clone project and change ownership: sudo chown -R $USER vitam-ui/
  • Build project using the "right" profile (see Maven profiles and Build)

For Vitam internal developers

  • Set up environment variables : SERVICE_NEXUS_URL and SERVICE_REPOSITORY_URL
  • Build project using vitam profile (see Build for Vitam developers)
  • Copy files: collect-external-client.conf,access-external-client.conf, ingest-external-client.conf, keystore_ihm-demo.p12 and truststore_ihm-demo.jks into api/api-(iam|referential)/(iam|referential)-internal/src/main/config/dev-vitam/
  • Redirect URL defined in code to localhost : add this line to your hosts (/etc/hosts) file

For non Vitam developers

Common errors

/bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/python: not found => Create symlink, for instance: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python

PKI generation:

By default we use a self signed certificates with 3 years duration on development environments.

To generate PKI, bellow the steps:

  1. Generate CA, certs and stores for dev
cd deployment
./pki/scripts/ true && ./pki/scripts/ environments/hosts.local true && ./

N.B.: The "true" value is used to force regenerate CA & certs.

  1. Re-generate MongoDB

After regenerating CA, certs and stores, the MongoDB must be re-generated.

In mongo/tools, run (make sure you enabled your python env):
  1. Add certificates in browser

In order for browsers (Chrome, Firefox) to recognize the certificates, add the following certificates in your browser:

  • dev-deployment/environments/certs/server/ca/ca-intermediate.crt
  • dev-deployment/environments/certs/server/ca/ca-root.crt

In Chrome: chrome://settings/certificates -> Authorities -> Import

In Firefox: about:preferences#privacy -> Certificates -> Show Certificates -> Authorities -> Import

Maven profiles

Without a profile, only Java projects are build.


This profile is used to build the entire project for dev purposes, backend & frontend included.

  • UI modules are packaged with both Java & Angular.
  • Angular projects are built without optimization in order to reduce global build time.
  • Jasmine Karma tests are launched with the headless chrome.


This profile is used to build the entire project for prod purposes, backend/frontend included.

  • UI modules are packaged with both Java & Angular.
  • Angular projects are built with optimization.
  • Jasmine Karma tests are launched with the headless chrome.


This profile is used to build rpm packages.

Only Maven modules with rpm.skip = false in their properties are eligible.


This profile is used to push the generated rpm package.

Only Maven modules with rpm.skip = false in their properties are eligible.


This profile is automatically activated if the option -DskipTests is used during Maven execution in order to disable Jasmine Karma tests execution.


This profile is used to update sonar information.


This profile is used to build the entire project, backend & frontend included.

  • Angular projects are build without optimization in order to reduce global build time.
  • Jasmine Karma tests are launched with the headless chrome.
  • Jenkins can use this profile.


This profile is used to generate the swagger.json draft file for swagger documentation. It's only needed for API modules.


This profile is used to generate .html & .pdf swagger documentation in tools/swagger/docs/.

Only Maven modules with rpm.skip = false in their properties are eligible.


This is the profile to use for all Vitam internal developers.

Integration Tests Maven profiles

No integration test is launched during the “normal” build of the project. Integration tests need a full running environment in order to launch API tests & few UI tests also.


This profile should be used to launch integration tests in Jenkins. The configuration used for the tests is available in integration-tests/src/test/resources/application-integration.yml


This profile should be used to launch integration tests in our development environment. The configuration used for the tests is available in integration-tests/src/test/resources/application-dev.yml


This profile should be used to launch API IAM integration tests in our development environment. The configuration used for the tests is available in integration-tests/src/test/resources/application-dev.yml


This profile should be used to launch API Security integration tests in our development environment. The configuration used for the tests is available in integration-tests/src/test/resources/application-dev.yml


This profile should be used to launch UI integration tests in our development environment. The configuration used for the tests is available in integration-tests/src/test/resources/application-dev.yml


Build (only Java)

Execute this command to build the project with unit tests and without building our angular projects:

mvn clean install

Build (only Java) without test

Execute this command to build the project without unit tests and without building our angular projects:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

Build for Vitam internal developers

mvn clean install [-Ddependency-check.skip=true] -Denv.SERVICE_NEXUS_URL=... -Denv.SERVICE_REPOSITORY_URL=... [-DskipTests] -Pvitam

Build with IHM (JS) in dev mode

Use the dev maven profile to build the project with our angular projects.

For our angular projects, the build doesn't generate the sourcemap and doesn't optimize the build.

For the karma tests, we don't generate the code coverage and use the headless chrome.

mvn clean install -Pdev

Build with IHM (JS) for our Jenkins

Use the webpack maven profile to build the project with our angular projects.

For our angular projects, the build generate the sourcemap and doesn't optimize the build.

For the karma tests, we don't generate the code coverage and use the headless chrome.

mvn clean install -Pwebpack

Build with IHM (JS) for our Production environment

Use the prod maven profile to build the project with our angular projects.

For our angular projects, the build generate the sourcemap and optimize the build.

For the karma tests, we don't generate the code coverage and use the headless chrome.

mvn clean install -Pprod

If -DskipTests id added during the build of dev, webpack or prod, unit tests and karma tests are both ignored.

Build with integration tests for development environment

Use the dev-it maven profile to build the project with unit tests and integration tests.

mvn clean verify -Pdev-it

For more details see README in integration-tests module.

Build with integration tests for Jenkins

mvn clean verify -Pintegration

Package to RPM

Use the rpm and webpack maven profiles to build the project and package to RPM:

mvn clean package -Prpm,webpack

Execute sonar report

mvn clean verify -Psonar

You can specify properties to change URL and login to sonar:

mvn clean verify -Psonar \ \
    -Dsonar.login=<TOKEN AUTHENTICATION>

Deploy artifact

Use the rpm and webpack maven profiles to build all artifacts and deploy to NEXUS use:

mvn clean deploy -Prpm,webpack


To generate swagger.json:

mvn test -Pswagger

In case you change the model part of an object or an entity in one of the projects, it is not essential to regenerate the swagger.json file, you just have to modify it manually by adding the necessary information on the modifications we made on the model part.

To edit the file you can use this website.

To generate index.pdf and index.html from swagger.json:

 mvn generate-resources -Pswagger-docs


Pour lancer VITAM en mode développement et permettre à VITAMUI d'accéder à ces APIs, voir la configuration suivante.

1 - Démarrage du Mongo VitamUI

├── tools
│   ├── docker
│   │   ├── mongo: './'

2 - Démarrage du docker smtp4dev (facultatif)

├── tools
│   ├── docker
│   │   ├── mail: './'

3 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot Security-Internal

├── api
│   ├── api-security
│   │   ├── security-internal: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run [-Puse-profile-here]' ou './'

4 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot IAM-Internal

├── api
│   ├── api-iam
│   │   ├── iam-internal: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run [-Puse-profile-here]' ou './'

5 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot IAM-External

├── api
│   ├── api-iam
│   │   ├── iam-external: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run [-Puse-profile-here]' ou './'

6 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot Ingest-Internal

├── api
│   ├── api-ingest
│   │   ├── ingest-internal: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run' ou './'

7 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot Collect-Internal

├── api
│   ├── api-collect
│   │   ├── collect-internal: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run' ou './'

8 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot Archive-Search-Internal

├── api
│   ├── api-archive-search
│   │   ├── archive-search-internal: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run' ou './'

9 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot Ingest-External

├── api
│   ├── api-ingest
│   │   ├── ingest-external: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run' ou './'

10 - Lancement de l'application CAS Server.

La surcharge faite sur CAS nous empêche de lancer avec le plugin spring-boot

CAS-Server dépend de security-internal, iam-internal & iam-external

├── cas
│   ├── cas-server: './'

Utilisation en dev

9 - Lancement de l'application Angular UI-Portal

└── ui
    ├── ui-frontend: 'npm run start:portal'

10 - Lancement de l'application Angular UI-Identity

└── ui
    ├── ui-frontend: 'npm run start:identity'

11 - Lancement de l'application Angular UI-Ingest

└── ui
    ├── ui-frontend: 'npm run start:ingest'

12 - Lancement de l'application Angular UI-Archive-Search

└── ui
    ├── ui-frontend: 'npm run start:archive-search'

13 - Lancement de l'application Angular UI-Collect

└── ui
    ├── ui-frontend: 'npm run start:collect'

14 - Lancement de l'application Angular UI-Pastis

└── ui
    ├── ui-frontend: 'npm run start:pastis'

15 - Les certificats sont auto-signés, il faut les accepter dans le navigateur pour :

Attention : sans cette étape, le logout sur toutes les applications par CAS ne fonctionne pas.

16 - Se connecter sur le portail via :

17 - Se connecter sur la page de réception des mails smtp4dev via :

18 - Lancer l'application 'design-system' contenant des exemples de composants graphiques du design system

└── ui
    ├── ui-frontend: 'npm run start:design-system'