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PoV admin tools

This package contains a few scripts we use at PoV for managing servers:

  • new-changelog-entry: keeps a sysadmin diary (/root/Changelog)
  • check-changelog: checks that timestamps in /root/Changelog are strictly increasing

It used to ship a few more scripts, but those got moved to pov-server-page.

It also Recommends: a bunch of other packages I consider to be indispensible.

Suggested steps for setting up a new server:

$ sudo -s
# apt-get update
# apt-get install software-properties-common
# add-apt-repository -y ppa:pov
# apt-get update
# apt-get install pov-admin-tools
# apt-get install collectd --no-install-recommends
# new-changelog-entry

(then copy and paste this list of commands into the changelog)


When run without arguments, appends the current date, time and your username to /root/Changelog and launches vim for you to describe what you're doing.

Alternatively you can pass a short message directly on the command line:

$ new-changelog-entry "apt-get install apache2"
[sudo] password for mg:
2013-07-18 19:09 +0300: mg
  apt-get install apache2

You can append to an existing message by using -a:

$ new-changelog-entry -a "apt-get install postfix"
2013-07-18 19:09 +0300: mg
  apt-get install apache2
  apt-get install postfix

You can launch the text editor without appending anyting by using -e.