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ps-discord is an efficient standalone queue system for FiveM that has discord integration with a priority system. This script was inspired in response to numerous inefficient scripts that cause server-side lag, particularly when the Discord API is rate-limited. Our testing has shown that this script remains highly stable, with server-side performance between 0.00 and 0.03 ms. Additionally, the included anti rate-limiter for Discord effectively limits the number of requests to 30 per minute, ensuring smooth operation.



  1. Grab the latest release from the releases tab.
  2. Extract the files to your server resources folder.
  3. Remove any other queue resources.
  4. Go to the Discord Developer Portal, and create an app if you haven't already. Find it here
  5. Copy your bot token and put it in the server cfg, as this: set ps:discordBotToken "TOKENHERE".
  6. Copy your servers ID and put it in the server cfg as this: set ps:discordGuildId "IDHERE" (This can be found by enabling the Developer mode on Discord, and right clicking on your server)
  7. Set up queue/roles.lua and queue/card.lua to your liking. See Configuration for more information.
  8. Check the list of covars below, to see if there's anything else you might want to change.
  9. Done! You've successfully installed ps-discord!


You primarily configure the resource with the convars stated below. There however is two files you should edit to your liking. That is queue/roles.lua and queue/card.lua, the first one determines which roles have access and their priority and the second one is the card that is displayed in the queue.


Command Description
clearWebhookStatus Clears the webhook status message id, in case you want/need to send a new one.


You only have to configure the convars that has none as default value. The rest is optional. These should be placed in the server.cfg file or a file loaded by it.

Convar Type Default Description
set ps:discordDebug STRING "false" If you want debug prints in server console.
set ps:discordAPIVersion INT 10 The Discord API Version you want to use (Recommended Version 10.)
set ps:discordGuildId STRING none This is for your Discord Guild ID (Right-click Server Name in Dev Mode and Copy Server ID.)
set ps:discordBotToken STRING none This is for your Discord Bot Token (Bot Token in Discord Developer Portal.)
set ps:discordRequestsPerMinute INT 30 The Max Amount of Requests to the Discord API per minute (Recommended Amount is 30)
set ps:displayQueueInHostname INT 1 If you want to display the queue in the hostname (1 = true, 0 = false)
set ps:gracePeriod INT 0 The amount of time a player can be disconnected and join back to get upped queue priority (in seconds) (0 = disabled)
set ps:ghostCheckInterval INT 60 The amount of time to check for ghost players (in seconds)
set ps:webhookStatusMessage STRING none The webhook to send the status message to (leave blank to disable)
set ps:webhookStatusUpdateInterval INT 30 The amount of time to send the status message to the webhook (in seconds) (Defualt is 30)



Gets the queue status of a player.

Parameter Type Description
identifier STRING The identifier of the player to get the queue status of.
Return Type Description
queueNumber INT The queue number of the player.
queuePriority INT The queue priority of the player.

exports["ps-discord"]:UpdateQueuePriority(identifier, priority)

Updates the queue priority of a player for this load only.

Parameter Type Description
identifier STRING The identifier of the player to update the queue priority of.
priority INT The new queue priority of the player.
Return Type Description
success BOOL Whether or not the queue priority was updated.


Forces the queue to refresh everyones queue number and priority.


Adds a callback to be called when a player is added to the queue.

Parameter Type Description
callback FUNCTION The callback function to call when a player is added to the queue.


exports["ps-discord"]:OnQueueAdded(function(identifier, priority)
    print("Player " .. identifier .. " was added to the queue with priority " .. priority)

exports["ps-discord"]:WebhookSend(webhook, data, callback, wait)

Sends a message to a webhook.

Parameter Type Description
webhook STRING The webhook to send the message to.
data TABLE The data to send to the webhook.
callback FUNCTION The callback function to call when the request is done.
wait BOOL Set this to true if you wish to edit the message later, this will return the message in the reponse parameter of the callback

exports["ps-discord"]:WebhookEdit(webhook, message, data, callback)

Edits a message sent by a webhook.

Parameter Type Description
webhook STRING The webhook to edit the message from.
messageId STRING The message id to edit.
data TABLE The data to send to the webhook.
callback FUNCTION The callback function to call when the request is done.

exports["ps-discord"]:WebhookSendMessage(webhook, name, title, color, message, tagEveryone, callback, wait)

Sends a message to a webhook with a premade embed.

Parameter Type Description
webhook STRING The webhook to send the message to.
name STRING The name of the embed account sending the messaged
title STRING The title of the embed.
color INT or STRING The color of the embed.
message STRING The message of the embed.
tagEveryone BOOL Whether or not to tag everyone in the message.
callback FUNCTION The callback function to call when the request is done.
wait BOOL Set this to true if you wish to edit the message later, this will return the message in the reponse parameter of the callback

exports["ps-discord"]:WebhookEditMessage(webhook, messageId, name, title, color, message, tagEveryone, callback)

Edits a message sent by a webhook with a premade embed.

Parameter Type Description
webhook STRING The webhook to edit the message from.
messageId STRING The message id to edit.
name STRING The name of the embed account sending the messaged
title STRING The title of the embed.
color INT or STRING The color of the embed.
message STRING The message of the embed.
tagEveryone BOOL Whether or not to tag everyone in the message.
callback FUNCTION The callback function to call when the request is done.


image image


Walter complexza