To avoid running out of memory during the build process on Raspberry Pi 3, execute catkin_make with the option -j1 or --jobs=1. e.g., $catkin_make -j1
uses to control GPIOs (included in this repo - no submodule)
The joy controller is an experimental interface for PiROSBot and uArm!
Setup the uarm_metal ROS package with all depenencies (see uarm_metal README).
$ rosrun uarm_metal / or $ roslaunch uarm_metal uarm.launch
$ rosparam set /uarm_metal/read_position 1 (also executable from remote pc)
Following steps are necessary to use the joy controller:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-joy
$ sudo chmod a+rw /dev/input/jsX (X equals the device number e.g., 0)
Once the ROS_MASTER_URI & ROS_IP are set and roscore is running:
Terminal 1:
$ rosparam set joy_node/dev "/dev/input/jsX" (X equals the device number e.g., 0)
$ rosrun joy joy_node
Terminal 2:
$ rosrun pirosbot joy_controller