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DotNET Core Bitcoin BCH C# Library!

Implements Block and Transaction Decoding; Cash Address and Bitcoin Script encoding and decoding; node connectivity via ZMQ, JSON/RPC, and REST interfaces.

Early Development Warning

Rapid changes may occur. Additional functionality will be added. Reasonable effort will be made to keep public functions and constructors consistent in required arguments and return values; however, at this stage this is not guaranteed!

Development Environment and Tools

SharpBCH can be built under any DotNET Core 2.2 environment.

Recommended Development Environment:


SharpBCH ( aims to keep the dependency tree minimal - as much as is reasonable is implemented directly in the library.

SharpBCH depends on:

Getting Started

You may want to use SharpBCH in your project to:

  • Decode Bitcoin Blocks and Transacitons
  • Encode and Decode Bitcoin Scripts and Cash Addresses
  • Interact with a node for full blocks or specific transactions

Public interface index:

CashAddress Bitcoin Script Transaction Block Node

Special Return and Input Types

A few enums and output classes/interfaces:

Type Description Values
AddressPrefix Cash Address network prefix bitcoincash, bchtest, bchreg
ScriptType Cash Address script type version numbers Encoding and Decoding: P2PKH = 0x0, P2SH = 0x8; Decoding only: DATA = -1, OTHER = -2.
DecodedBitcoinAddress A decoded address, represented as raw byte data, script type, and network prefix See public: string Prefix, ScriptType Type, byte[] Hash

CashAddress Encoding and Decoding

Namespace: SharpBCH.CashAddress

  • CashAddress (Static Class):
    • EncodeCashAddress(AddressPrefix prefix, ScriptType scriptType, byte[] hash160)
      • prefix: Cash Address prefix
      • scriptType: Bitcoin script type
      • hash160: Byte data from bitcoin script (usually hash160)
      • [return]: (string) Cash Address formatted bitcoin address
    • DecodedBitcoinAddress DecodeCashAddress(string address)
      • address: Cash Address formatted address
      • [return]: (DecodedBitcoinAddress) prefix, scriptType, hash160 bytes
  • CashAddressException:
    • Public functions throw on errors. See InternalException for failure reason.

Bitcoin Script Encoding and Decoding

Namespace: SharpBCH.Script

  • Script (Constructable Class):
    • ToString():
      • [return] (string) Human readable script with written op_codes and data chunks expressed as hex
    • Script(IEnumerable<byte> script):
      • script: raw bitcoin script as byte array
    • ScriptBytes
      • (byte[]) byte array of the script
    • OpCodes
      • (List<OpCodeType>) Ordered list of script op_codes. Data pushes are removed and replaced with internal OP_DATA.
    • DataChunks
      • (List<byte[]>) Raw data chunks in the script. Each OP_DATA in OpCodes will have an matching DataChunk in the same sequence.
  • ScriptBuilder (Static Class):
    • CreateOutputScript(string cashAddress):
      • cashAddress: Cash Address to create an output script to pay
      • [return] (Script) Bitcoin Output Script to spend to the given Cash Address
    • CreateOutputScript(ScriptType scriptType, byte[] hash160):
      • scriptType: type of hash
      • hash160: public key hash or script hash
      • [return] (Script) Bitcoin Output Script to spend to the given scriptType and hash
    • CreateOpReturn(byte[] data):
      • data: data to include in the op_return
      • [return] (Script) Bitcoin OP_RETURN Output Script containing the given data
    • GetOpPushForLength(uint dataLength):
      • dataLength: length of data to push to script stack
      • [return] (byte[]) Script/Opcode bytes needed to push data of a given length
  • BitcoinScriptBuilderException:
    • Public functions throw on errors. See InternalException for failure reason.

Transaction Decoding

Namespace: SharpBCH.Transaction

  • Transaction (Constructable Class):
    • Transaction(IEnumerable<byte> txBytes)
      • txBytes: raw transaction as byte array
    • Inputs
      • (Input[]) all inputs in the transaction
    • Outputs
      • (Output[]) all outputs in the transaction
    • TXIDHex
      • (string) transaction ID in hex
    • TXVersion
      • (uint) transaction version number
    • LockTime
      • (uint) block locktime
  • Input (Constructable Class):
    • Hash
      • (byte[]) hash of the transaction that created the output being redeemed
    • Index
      • (uint) index of output for redeemed utxo in the previous transaction
    • Script
      • (byte[]) raw input script
  • Output (Constructable Class):
    • Value
      • (ulong) value spent to the output
    • Type
      • (ScriptType) type of output, if known (or -2 for unknown)
    • Address
      • (string) cash address to which the output spends (or empty if Type is not P2PKH or P2SH)
    • Script
      • (byte[]) raw output script

Block Decoding

Namespace: SharpBCH.Block

  • Block (Constructable Class):
    • public BlockHeader(IEnumerable<\byte> headerBytes) : base(headerBytes):
    • Block(IEnumerable<byte> blockBytes)
      • blockBytes: >raw block of block as byte array
    • Header
      • (BlockHeader) See Below
    • Transactions
      • (Transaction[]) See Above
    • BlockSize
      • (uint) size of block in bytes
    • BlockHash
      • (string) blockhash in hex
  • BlockHeader (Constructable Class):
    • BlockHeader(IEnumerable<\byte> headerBytes)
      • headerBytes: raw block header as byte array
    • BlockVersion (uint)
    • PrevBlockHash (string)
    • MerkleRootHash (byte[])
    • TimeStamp (uint)
    • DiffTarget (uint)
    • Nonce (uint)
    • BlockHashHex:
      • (string) double sha of header in hex
  • BlockException
    • Public functions of this namespace throw on errors. See InternalException for failure reason.

Node Connections

Namespace: SharpBCH.Node

  • TODO