InternetFashionedInstaller innosetup打包
QDarkStyleSheet A dark style sheet for QtWidgets application
EasyPaint 类似画图软件
qwt 6.1.3 文档
qwtpolar 文档
qwtplot3d 文档
scidavis 文档
CTK 基于Qt
Ds4CppA component framework for C++ inspired by OSGi Declarative Services.
CppMicroServicesAn OSGi-like C++ dynamic module system and service registry
x3c A plugin-framework that uses C++ and STL.
NAuthQt 编写的鉴权流程封装组件
NBaseUiKit Qt编写的组件
NCommon Qt编写的一些公共模块
NConfigQt 编写的基于加密sqlite的配置文件
NDBPool Qt 编写的数据库连接池组件
NEncryptionKitQt 加解密组件库
NLogerQt 编写的跨线程安装的日志组件库
Qt_QGraphicsItem_DrawSystem dmeo
graphics_data_show 基于graphics简单的数据展示
TestItemMove 基于graphics Item移动拖动例子
qvge Qt Visual Graph Editor
qdraw Qt QGraphicsView drawing demo
nodeeditor 基于graphics数据流编程框架
qt5-node-editor 和nodeeditor有点一样
qgv Interactive Qt graphViz display
Heimer cross-platform mind map tool written in Qt
QTScada 基于QT 的组态软件
tulip Large graphs analysis, drawing and visualization framework
evoplex Evoplex is a platform for implementing Agent-Based Models (ABM) and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) imposing a theoretical-graph approach. It's available for Windows, Linux and macOS.
InteraciveView 视图鼠标处缩放
libgitlmvc_merge 将libgitlmvc和libgitlevtbus整合在一起
GitlHEVCAnalyzer 流分析
QT-PureMVC 基于 QTCreator 的 PureMVC 框架 C++ 代码移植
QDockPanelLib 类似Vs的dock窗口demo
QtFlex5 类似Vs的dock窗口
Qt-Advanced-Docking-System 类似Vs的dock窗口
indigoDock 界面炫酷 推荐
toolwindowmanager Qt based tool window manager
CuteHMI C++ and QML
At At是基于Qt库的UI库
QFramer 基于Qt5.3的快速开发框架
WidgetAnimationFramework 类似app侧拉窗口
QtFirebase Google's Firebase C++ API to Qt + QML
lomox example(
QQLikeUIQt实现的高仿QQ6.x UI
SARibbon Qt实现的ribbon
sa 基于SARibbon的一个信号分析软件
polyphone 音频编辑
streamWorld vlc播放器
shotcut 跨平台视频编辑器
QtVlc C++ libvlc bindings featuring Qt5
vlc VLC media player
qt-gstreamer Qt bindings for GStreamer
vlc-qt VLC-Qt - a simple library to connect Qt application with libVLC
qtractor An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer
QtAV A cross-platform multimedia framework based on Qt and FFmpeg
Qffmpeg QT FFmpeg Wrapper Class
Audio-fmodex 带波形显示音乐播放器Qt5(fmodex)
libZPlaylibZPlay库集成了所有支持格式(mp3, mp2, mp1, ogg, flac, ac3, aac, oga, wav and pcm )的编码解码器。库本身是由WINAPI编写,你无须额外的库,也不需要MFC / .NET的支持,只能在Windows下运行
sqlitestudio 基于Qt的Sqlite数据库管理工具
tiled 基于Qt的2D地图编辑器
qgroundcontrol 飞行器地面站
apm_planner 飞行器地面站
youker-assistant UbuntuKylin下类似于360的软件
kylin-video UbuntuKylin下视频播放器
simECG 心电图
qmotion 运动检测
Candle G代码编译和运动控制器 雕刻机控制
Clementine 音乐播放器
CuteMarkEd markdown编辑器
Editor-Qt RPG游戏编辑器
qdirstat Qt-based directory statistics like-linux
theshell Desktop Shell written in Qt
qupzilla 跨平台浏览器
vpaint 2d动画编辑
Cuties 文本编辑器
keme5 会计软件
vr-alph Jahshaka Virtual Reality Content Creation Studio
StudioJahshaka Virtual Reality Content Creation Studio
QtDeskTopOS desktop developed by Qt.一款类似于win10的桌面系统,目前支持UKEY实名认证登录,软件中心,软件管理,待办事项定制处理等
liteide LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE
PropellerIDE-merge ( PropellerIDEmemorymap projectview PropellerManager)
Envision visual structured editor
edyuk ide for qt
Nut PosgtreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and Microsoft Sql Server
QxOrm (QxEntityEditor) SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and MS SQL Server
litesql_qt (litesql) SQLite3, PostgreSQL and MySQL
sqlpp11gen A c++ table class generator for sqlpp11.
odb mssql mysql oracle pgsql sqlite
qtl QTL是一个访问SQL数据库的C++库,目前支持MySQL、SQLite和ODBC
tiny-orm mysql
soci DB2 firebird MySQL ODBC Oracle SQLite3 PostgreSQL
ORM-Lite SQLite3
libpqxx The official C++ client API for PostgreSQL
lmdbxx C++11 wrapper for the LMDB embedded B+ tree database library
matador SQLite, MySQL and MS SQL Server
mongo-cxx-driver C++ Driver for MongoDB
QOrmSql MySQL and SQLite
QtRedisClient Redis在Qt下的封装
dtl ODBC
QtPersistence QtPersistence is a project to create an ORM library for Qt Users.
QST PostgreSQL
hiberlite C++ ORM for SQLite
[ormpp 是modern c++(c++11/14/17)开发的ORM库,目前支持了三种数据库:mysql, postgresql和sqlite
Ring-LogRing-Log是一个高效简洁的C++异步日志, 其特点是效率高(每秒支持至少125万+日志写入)、易拓展,尤其适用于频繁写日志的场景
capture-threadFramework for loggers, tracers, and mockers in multithreaded C++ programs.
QtWebApp 基于Qt的小型服务器
zpserver a Qt based tcp-ip c/s frame work
pillow Small, light and fluffy Qt Http Server
qhttpengine HTTP server for Qt applications
telegram-qt Qt-based library for Telegram network
tufao An asynchronous web framework for C++ built on top of Qt
qdjango a Qt-based C++ web framework
QtMqtt MQTT protocol
SavvyCAN QT based cross platform canbus tool
libmaia XML-RPC lib for Qt
ProjectTox-Qt-GUI A cross-platform front end for ProjectTox Core library
QSsh SSH and SFTP support for Qt
qTox qTox is a chat, voice, video, and file transfer IM client
openmeeting2 视频会议,仿QQ群视频 实现多人视频,多人语音,文字聊天,表情
libmodbus c语言
serialport-gyroscope QT opengl 航模姿态显示,串口数据传送
MyChart 基于CS的Qt聊天
MonaServer)A lightweight RTMFP, RTMP, WebSocket and HTTP server!
protobuf v3
QFlightInstruments 飞机仪表盘
QHeatMap 热力图
Qt-Color-Widgets 颜色拾取窗口
QLightBoxWidget 遮罩控件
QtWaitingSpinner 菊花等待控件
QProgressIndicator 菊花等待控件
FastQt 数据分析控件
QPathEdit 文件对话框
Qt-Inspector 属性编辑
QtnProperty 属性控件
QtKnobs 圆形进度条
QtAddressBar 资源管理器
Blinds 百叶窗
QScintilla2 文本编辑器
QSint Includes several Qt widgets, charting, property editors etc.
qaiv 自定义的QTableWidget
resizeAnimationPlaying with Qt widget animation & graphics effect
qzues An extension lib of Qt
edbee-lib QWidget based Text Editor Component for Qt. Multi-caret, Textmate grammar and highlighting support.
QtCreator-ColorPickerPlugin A color picker plugin for QtCreator.
libcrashreporter-qt 软件崩溃上报 基于Google Breakpad
qBreakpad Cross-platform Qt crash handler Google Breakpad
CrashReporter-Qt-BreakpadCrashReporter using Qt and breakpad
qt-breakpadThis a demo to handle c++ crash with google breakpad and launch a Qt app to send crash log back to server.
QtIOCompressorQtIOCompressor is a QIODevice that compresses data streams.
FileEncrpytion 文件加密(des)
QtOfficeOpenXml read and write such as .xlsx/.docx/.pptx files
qtcsv Library for reading and writing csv-files in Qt
libxlsxwriter c library
Qlibxlsxwriter is a C library allows libxlsxwriter to be used in Qt XLSX files
Qxlnt xlnt is xlsx library that using C++14 used in Qt
QXlsx QXlsx is C++. (with Qt 5.x)
QtXMLMap Simple wrap over Qt XML classes for easy working with XML documents.
texstudio LaTeX editor
wv2qtRead Microsoft Word Document not xml based
RizekQssEditor qss编辑器
csvimp 读写csv
openrpt Graphical SQL report writer, designer and rendering engine, optimized for PostgreSQL. WYSIWYG display, GUI built with Qt, runs on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X. Reports can be saved as XML, either as files or in a database.
LineGraph Line graph demo written in c++ and Qt that reads and displays csv file data
qtcsv Library for reading and writing csv-files in Qt.
SearchCSV Search CSV files with a regular expression. Qt GUI.
Report csv
rft2htmlA RTF to HTML converter properly recognizing hyperlinks
QRTFWidgetA QT widget able to display RTF content.
rtfcppC++ Rtf writer library
4d-plugin-RTF2TEXTConvert RTF to plain text
xlslibC++/C library to construct Excel .xls files in code. Official git repo.
csv2xlscsv2xls (csv to xls) is a command line utility which converts csv files into one (or more if splitted) Excel(TM) files.
ncreport v0.7.3旧版源码
LimeReport Report generator for Qt Framework
lightmap Qt和百度地图交互示例
udevpp A C++ wrapper for udev
udevnotifier 在linux判断设备的热插拔
QUdevA very simple udev interface for Qt.
qtudev Qt-style wrapper around udev
hotplugLibrary provides tools to watch for devices hot plug notifications
libusbA cross-platform library to access USB devices
libusbnetlibusb wrapper to enable communication with USB devices over TCP/IP
USBProxyA proxy for USB devices, libUSB and gadgetFS
QUSBQt wrapper classes for LibUSB 1.0
hidvizA tool for in-depth analysis of USB HID devices communication
usb-notifierA Qt/C++wrapper around libusb in order to easily detect usb device attach/detach actions
easyusbUsing simple and easy of usb (using libusb).
qtlibusbQt wrapper around libusb
QtUsbSimple usb device setup loger via libusb.
QtUSB-1Qt USB lib that doesn't use libusb as a base
USBHotPlugQtThis is a demo for libusb hot plug callback function
qusbmon Usb monitor for Linux, based on Qt
hidapiA Simple library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices on Linux, Mac, and Windows.
hidGopher Interface Devices (USB HID)
qt-bluehid-serviceA Qt library used to make bluetooth devices work as HID (Human Interface Device) devices.
qtxhidQt classes for communicating with HID devices.
ImageCaptureA demo which takes video from one or more webcams or USB capture devices
QVision 基于QT的计算机视觉库
QtCipherSqlitePlugin SQLite加密插件
Qt-Rotating-Widge 窗体翻转效果
qt-notify 右下角通知,可同时显示多个
ShowRoundPic 绘制无锯齿的圆形头像
QHotkey 全局热键
QHotkeys 跨平台全局热键
FramelessHelper 无边框可拖动窗口扩展 window full features
Qt-Nice-Frameless-Window 无边框可拖动窗口扩展 window mac
Qt-Frameless-Window-DarkStyle 无边框可拖动窗口扩展 window mac
FramelessWindow-Qt 自定义无边框窗体,对话框和提示框库
Custom-Frameless-Blur-Behind-Windows-For-Qt 半透明无边框可拖动窗口 windows
FramelessHelper-all linux window mac
NTP_test NTP校正事件时间
flameshot 强大的截屏工具
OEasyScreenshot 截屏工具
o2 OAuth 2.0 for Qt
qzxing 二维码编解码
qtqrencode 二维码编解码
QRScanner CN1Lib for using ZBar scanning in Android apps.
verdigris Qt without moc: set of macros to use Qt without needing moc
qt-curve-editor a curve editor widget for Qt with multiple spline types
QtCoroutines Helper classes for coroutines in Qt
QtAwesome Font Awesome support for Qt applications
QtBackgroundProcess 创建后台运行程序
QtAutoUpdater 软件检测更新
QSimpleUpdater Updater system for Qt applications
qtcreator-doxygen Doxygen Plugin for Qt Creator
QtDataSync 窗口间的数据同步
qt-mustache Mustache templating library for C++ using Qt
qtpdfium ( pdfium )Pdf Redening on Qt
qt-spek 基于Qt的频谱分析器,修改于spek
libsystemd-qt Qt-only wrapper for Systemd DBus API linux
QtDownloadManager 断点续传
QtJsonSerializer json数据序列化
focuswriterSimple fullscreen word processor
QConfQConf 是一个分布式配置管理工具
QEvent 线程安全的信号槽
ImagePseudoColor 伪彩色处理程序
ilong 轻量级跨平台瓦片地图库
VerificationCode 验证码
QtHz2Py 简繁转换和生成拼音
Soft-keyboard 集成google输入法的嵌入式中文输入面板 [*]
Soft-keyboard-bak Soft-keyboard备份
libgooglepinyin 谷歌输入法内核
vv VV医学图像处理使用VTK,ITK
MITK The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit.
ImageViewer 缩略图 QThread
qtimageviewer 缩略图 QtConcurrent
GraphicsProgramming Demos related to OpenGL, Qt and other X technologies.
qt-ponies Desktop ponies in Qt
Conan Connection analyzer for Qt is a C++ library that provides visual run-time introspection of QObject hierarchies,
qtandroidextensions Qt Android Helpers and Native Views
QRegExp-EditorThis is a simple application to test QRegExps.