Please use linux base os or linux subsystem to run this network ########## Hardware requrement- minimum(4GB RAM with 1.6GHz processer) Recomended(8GB RAM with core i3 or higher)########
- install Hyperledger fabric
- Download the zip file from the github
- exatract the file
- copy blockchain_app-main folder inde into the "fabric-samples/fabcar/" folder
- copy fabcar.js from fabric-samples/fabcar/blockchain_app-main/fabcar/fabcar.js
- replace "fabcar.js" file with "fabric-samples/chaincode/fabcar/javascript/lib/fabcar.js"
- open the terminal and set route inside to the "fabric-samples/fabcar"
- run (./
- run with javascript (./ javascript)
- change directry inside to the qpiserver folder
- install nodemodals (npm install) 12)delete all inside the "fabric-samples/fabcar/blockchain_app/wallet" if there any file 13)run enrollAdmin.js with node (node enrollAdmin.js) 14)run registerUser.js with node (node registerUser.js) 15)run apiserver.js with node (node apiserver.js) 16)run inside the "/fabric-samples/fabcar/blockchain_app/views" 17)take the server link from python terminal and paste in the browser.