Download the phar file, make it executable and move it to /usr/local/bin/pulp
chmod a+x pulp.phar
mv pulp.phar /usr/local/bin/pulp
From your project root:
pulp init-project
git add .pulp/
git commit -m "Adding pulp build tool"
cd .pulp
composer install
Create tasks and watchers, pipe data from src() to dest()
$p = new \Pulp\Pulp();
//The log task is a dependency of the build task.
//This will run the log task before running the build task
$p->task('build', ['log'], function() {
echo "Building...\n";
//The log task is a regular closure
$foo = time();
$p->task('log', function() use ($foo) {
echo "Logging with variable: $foo...\n";
//The watch method will either poll or use inotify to detect file changes
$p->task('wait-and-pipe', function() use($p) {
$p->watch( ['src/**/*.php', 'foo/**/*.php'])->on('change', function($file) use ($p) {
//this will pipe *all* files in src/ and foo/, not just the ones that changed
$p->src(['src/', 'foo/'])
->pipe(new \Pulp\DataPipe(function($data, $pipe) {
echo "Data Pipe got "; var_dump($data);
$pipe->push($data); //propagate data down the chain
->pipe(new \Pulp\DataPipe(null, function($data, $pipe) {
// the second parameter is for end even handlers
echo "I'm only called once \n";
echo "This file triggered the change event: ".$file." ...\n";
pulp build
pulp watch
$p = new \Pulp\Pulp();
function compileLess($p) {
return $p->src(['foo/bootstrap.less'])
->pipe(new \Pulp\Debug()) //will simply print every file from src
->pipe(new \Pulp\Less( ['compress'=>TRUE] )) //renames files from *.less to *.css
->pipe($p->dest('foo/')); //will output foo/bootstrap.css
$p->task('less-now', function() use($p) {
$p->task('less', function() use($p) {
compileLess($p); //start by refreshing once
$p->watch( ['foo/**/*.less'])->on('change', function($file) use ($p, $lr) {
[11:26:25] Starting task 'less'
[11:26:25] Finished task 'less' (took: 9.230 ms)
[11:26:25] pulp-debug: bootstrap.less
[11:26:29] pulp-debug: bootstrap.less
$p = new \Pulp\Pulp();
$lr = new \Pulp\LiveReload();
function compileLess($p) {
return $p->src(['foo/bootstrap.less'])
->pipe(new \Pulp\Debug()) //will simply print every file from src
->pipe(new \Pulp\Less( ['compress'=>TRUE] )) //renames files from *.less to *.css
->pipe($p->dest('foo/')); //will output foo/bootstrap.css
$p->task('less', function() use($p) {
$lr = new lr();
compileLess($p); //start by refreshing once
$p->watch( ['foo/**/*.less'])->on('change', function($file) use ($p, $lr) {
$stream = compileLess($p);
return $stream->pipe($lr);
[11:27:11] Starting task 'less'
[11:27:11] Finished task 'less' (took: 9.230 ms)
[11:27:11] pulp-debug: bootstrap.less
[11:27:15] pulp-debug: bootstrap.less
[11:27:15] Sending reload because file changed: bootstrap.css
$pharSettings = [
'alias' => 'myscript-'.time().'.phar',
'srcRoot' => "src/**",
'vendorRoot' => "vendor/**",
'buildRoot' => "build/",
'pharFile' => "build/myscript.phar",
'entryPoint' => 'bin/myscript.php',
$p->task('clean-phar', function() use($pharSettings, $p) {
$pharFile = $pharSettings['pharFile'];
return @exec("rm ". $pharFile);
$p->task('build-phar', ['clean-phar'], function() use($p, $pharSettings) {
$pharFile = $pharSettings['pharFile'];
$pharAlias = $pharSettings['alias'];
$buildRoot = $pharSettings['buildRoot'];
$count = 0;
@exec("mkdir ".$buildRoot);
$phar = new Phar($pharFile,
FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME,
$dirList = [ $pharSettings['srcRoot'], $pharSettings['vendorRoot'] ];
return $p->src($dirList)
->pipe(new \Pulp\DataPipe(function($file, $pipe) use(&$count, $phar) {
$pipe->emit('log', ["Adding to phar build: ".$file->getPathName()]);
$phar->addFromString($file->getPathname(), file_get_contents($file->getPathname()));
->pipe(new \Pulp\DataPipe(NULL, function($pipe) use(&$count, $phar, $pharFile, $pharStub) {
$pipe->log("Packaging %d files.", [$count]);
//pack the main bin file
$content = file_get_contents($pharSettings['entryPoint']);
$content = preg_replace('{^#!/usr/bin/env php\s*}', '', $content);
$phar->addFromString($pharSettings['entryPoint'], $content);
$pipe->log("Generated <file>$pharFile</>");
chmod($pharFile, 0755);
$pipe->log("File size is ".round(filesize($pharFile) / 1024 / 1024, 2)." MB.");
[12:06:09] Starting task 'clean-phar'
[12:06:09] Finished task 'clean-phar' (took: 2.671 ms)
[12:06:09] Starting task 'build-phar'
[12:06:09] Adding to phar build: vendor/autoload.php
[12:06:09] Adding to phar build: vendor/react/stream/
[12:06:09] Adding to phar build: vendor/react/stream/src/ThroughStream.php
[12:06:09] Adding to phar build: vendor/react/stream/src/CompositeStream.php
[12:06:09] Adding to phar build: vendor/react/stream/src/DuplexResourceStream.php
[12:06:09] Adding to phar build: vendor/react/stream/src/ReadableStreamInterface.php
[12:06:09] Adding to phar build: vendor/react/stream/src/WritableResourceStream.php
[12:06:09] Adding to phar build: src/your-src-files-here.php
[12:06:09] Packaging 50 files.
[12:06:09] Generated build/myscript.phar
[12:06:09] File size is 0.16 MB.
[12:06:09] Finished task 'build-phar' (took: 34.887 ms)
Run pulp init-project to create a .pulp directory, a config.php file and a composer.json file.
.pulp/ # <== created with pulp init-project
config.php # <== tasks go here
composer.json # <== pulp plugins go here
CD into the .pulp directory and run composer install
Edit config.php and create your own build pipeline
method |
src( array [$srcGlob [, $srcGlob, ...]], callback fn($file) ) |
A string or array of strings that point to source files. Globbing with ?, * and ** is supported. eg: ["src/**/*.php", "vendor/**/*"]. The callback fn() will accept one $file parameter. |
watch( array [$srcGlob [, $srcGlob, ...]] ) |
A string or array of strings that point to source files. Globbing with ?, * and ** is supported. eg: ["src/**/*.php", "vendor/**/*"]. This will return an object that will emit a "change " event whenever a matching file changes. |
dest( [$destDir, [$destDir, ...]] ) |
A string or array of destination directories (not globs). This is usually the end of a pipeline and does not have a callback function. |
task( $name, optional [dependencies], callback fn($p) ) |
A simple string name to call from command line, optional list of dependent tasks to run before this task starts and a callback function that will receive the $p object. |
method |
pipe( WritableStreamInterface $destinationPipe [, array $options] ) |
The pipe method can accept a new DataPipe object or any object that implements WritableStreamInterface. |
__construct( callback fn($file, $pipe) [, callback fn($pipe) ]) |
The first argument is a callback that is called on every "data " event from the source pipe. The second argument is a callback that is called on the "end " event from the source pipe. Only one callback is required. Note that the end callback does not receive a $file parameter. |