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Bitcoin observatory meant to be easy to use and lightweight, it allows scanning and monitoring of Bitcoin related data structures (blocks, mempool, more planned) given customizable filters.


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To look and observe what is actually happening on Bitcoin

Bobs is a Bitcoin OBServatory meant to be easy to use and lightweight, it allows scanning and monitoring of Bitcoin related data structures (blocks, mempool, more planned) given customizable filters.
It requires no state, runs entirely in memory, and is well suited for pruned nodes.


  • Linux only, tested on Ubuntu and Debian. (Should be fairly easy to make it work on Windows or Mac)

  • Bitcoin Core version equal or above 23.0 (bobs requires this functionality). The full node can be pruned, although this will limit the scan possibilities only to the stored blocks.

  • Python 3.8+ (should be already installed with most Linux distros).


Clone or download the repository.

Open a terminal from the Observatory folder and run sudo apt install python3-pip (it may not be necessary), then pick one of the two below:

  • Easy way

python3 -m pip install -e src/.
  • Recommended way

sudo apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip3 install -e src/.

The recommended way is more complex, but it will keep your base system clean. If you decide to go for it, remember that you'll have to run source .env/bin/activate as first command each time that you want to use the Observatory (check for (.env) at the beginning of the lines in your terminal).

Lastly, activate the REST server from your full node adding rest = 1 to your bitcoin.conf file (or by passing -rest through CLI).



(.env) /home/user/observatory$ bobs -h
usage: bobs [-h] [-f FILTERS] [-d] [-t {blocks,mempool}] [-fmt FORMAT] [-se SETTINGS] {scan,monitor} ...

A Bitcoin observatory to monitor and scan given customizable filters

positional arguments:
    scan                Scan past data using given filters
    monitor             Monitor new coming data using given filter, currently not implemented

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILTERS, --filters FILTERS
                        The name of the filters to use (they have to be declared in settings.toml)
  -d, --details         Increase result output details, can be set multiple times to amplify the effect
  -t {blocks,mempool}, --target {blocks,mempool}
                        What to scan, default is `blocks`
  -fmt FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Format to pass to tabulate() for table formatting. (default 'fancy_grid')
  -se SETTINGS, --settings SETTINGS
                        Path to settings.toml file, default is current directory. If file not present, create it


The first thing to do is to create a settings.toml file, run any bobs command (e.g., bobs scan) and ignore the error. It should have created the settings file in the same directory as you are in. To use a custom directory, pass the -se option:

(.env) home/user/observatory$ bobs -se /home/user/ scan


Give a look at the settings.toml file (more documentation for it is planned), and in particular at the filters. Those are collection of criteria that represent the pattern you are looking for. The default settings include a few filters that may be helpful as a reference.

This is the format of each filter:

{key} = "{criterion}"

So a filter that represents a transaction with a certain TXID could look like:

txid = "Include('ff821fea070bed1220')"
  • The filters part is a constant, it tells bobs that you are declaring a new filter.
  • The name is completely arbitrary, the only restriction is that is has to be unique per settings.toml file.
  • The key refers to which part of the candidate you want to pass as the actual candidate to the criterion, the complete list is below. If the key is invalid, bobs will pass the entire candidate.
  • The criterion part accepts any of bobs criterion, the complete list is below. They all behave very similarly, they accept one or more values and represent a characterizing mark or trait that a candidate should have in order to match the criterion.

You can set as many filters as you want, with unlimited criterion each; when you are done, you can pass the desired filter names with the -f option:


  • txid
  • hash
  • version
  • size
  • vsize
  • weight
  • locktime
  • inputs
  • outputs
  • height
  • timestamp_date
  • date
  • abs_fee
  • rel_fee
  • is_coinbase
  • n_in
  • n_out
  • in_counter
  • out_counter
  • n_eq
  • den
  • inputs_sum
  • outputs_sum
  • addresses
  • in_addrs
  • out_addrs
  • types
  • in_types
  • out_types
  • input_values
  • output_values

More are planned, the list is not at all stable, and more documentation is planned.


  • Greater
  • Lesser
  • Between
  • Equal
  • Different
  • Include
  • Appear
  • Regex
  • Satisfy

The list should be more or less stable, more documentation is planned.


With the -t or --target option you can specify which data structure to target. By default, it looks at the blocks in the most-work fully-validated chain (as provided by the full node), you can choose to look at the mempool instead by passing -t mempool.


(.env) /home/user/observatory$ bobs scan -h
usage: bobs scan [-h] [-s START] [-e END]

Scan past data using given filters

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s START, --start START
                        Start block height
  -e END, --end END     End block height

Scan current available data in the chosen target, if you chose blocks you'll have to provide a start and end.


-s 100 -e 200

Will search for transactions between block 100 and block 200 included.

You can give negative values to start and this will scan the last chosen blocks depending on the end value.

-s=-10 -e 0

Will search for transactions in the last 10 blocks.

-s=-10 -e 5

Will search for transaction in 5 block starting from ten blocks ago.


You can pass the -d option to increase the amount of information displayed as a result. By default, only prints a list of TXIDs that match the filters:

(.env) /home/user/observatory$ bobs -f coinbase scan -s=-10 -e 0

Choosen filters:
	coinbase filter

Full command used: /home/user/observatory/.env/bin/bobs -f coinbase scan -s=-10 -e 0

Requested scan from block 708798 to block 708807, included.

100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 10/10 [00:01<00:00,  5.56it/s]

Found 10 transaction:


By adding the -d option you increase the details.

(.env) /home/user/observatory$ bobs -f coinbase -d scan -s=-10 -e 0

Choosen filters:
	coinbase filter

Full command used: /home/user/observatory/.env/bin/bobs -f coinbase -d scan -s=-10 -e 0

Requested scan from block 708798 to block 708807, included.

100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 10/10 [00:01<00:00,  5.45it/s]

Found 10 transaction:

│ txid                                                             │   height │ date             │
│ ff821fea070bed1220804d1662bade5854b34cd60ee7513207a262413860f5ce │   708798 │ 2021-11-08 14:38 │
│ 9eb92829a47c1fd7b2fd0333a1cbbcd9b4afa6067f99b45573dc33536bde2184 │   708800 │ 2021-11-08 15:30 │
│ 936224390735ec0a7f7d98a34f17367dc6a277d85de2b1a4d18a1f7091c11954 │   708799 │ 2021-11-08 14:57 │
│ fa3fbf2b50d0423692c40c11d7a398eeef6854d9cd039eefc48a8bcc81f9fa44 │   708801 │ 2021-11-08 15:37 │
│ d8748842fedc2950831f4019aea43f723eae4355dc3a226ed34dcfbd603d4ecf │   708803 │ 2021-11-08 15:40 │
│ dd42dd0940d15fdc11bec24b2b5c26ca84c2d116f38f08ecdc9ceee4f6cec637 │   708802 │ 2021-11-08 15:39 │
│ aa33efa0a696f965cbd6999ab3ba4e3f352786e01e48274f378af92bb4662024 │   708804 │ 2021-11-08 15:45 │
│ efa38a686985b402f0b1e1987b589d4cb107452c2f3c35d5f94ff5c2062fcf53 │   708805 │ 2021-11-08 16:10 │
│ 6580c33eb259cc6bbf46ba21d08a0342547a7cc30f3fc0e2aad661e2d522c321 │   708806 │ 2021-11-08 16:24 │
│ e4063d95d6951870251890d71cb4ab3c415f66ae054a1a7103306fb9ef51e668 │   708807 │ 2021-11-08 16:25 │

You can pass the option multiple times (e.g, -ddd will print detailed information of each transaction, inputs and outputs included).



Bitcoin observatory meant to be easy to use and lightweight, it allows scanning and monitoring of Bitcoin related data structures (blocks, mempool, more planned) given customizable filters.






