This is a script designed to allow Aseprite users to utilize GrafX2 scripts. Currently, it is very limited in capabilities, and many scripts will not work. The only script known to work is the palette analysis function of DB-Toolbox, which is what started this project.
Contributions are welcome. By contributing, you agree to release your contribution under the current license.
To use this script, place it, along with the GrafX2 script of your choice, in your Aseprite scripts folder. (This folder can be found from within Aseprite by clicking File > Scripts > Open Scripts Folder
) Then, create a simple script to load the GrafX2 script with contents as follows:
This is the script that you will load in Aseprite by clicking File > Scripts > NAME_OF_YOUR_SCRIPT
. It may be necessary to reload Aseprite in order for the script to become visible.