MAP-Tk is an open source C++ collection of libraries and tools for making measurements from aerial video. Initial capability focuses on estimating the camera flight trajectory and a sparse 3D point cloud of the scene. These products are jointly optimized via sparse bundle adjustment and are geo-localized if given additional control points or GPS metadata.
This project has similar goals as projects like Bundler and VisualSFM. However, the focus here in on efficiently processing aerial video rather than community photo collections. Special attention has been given to the case where the variation in depth of the 3D scene is small compared to distance to the camera. In these cases, planar homographies can be used to assist feature tracking, stabilize the video, and aid in solving loop closure problems.
The MAP-Tk software architecture is highly modular and provides an algorithm abstraction layer that allows seamless interchange and run-time selection of algorithms from various other open source projects like OpenCV, VXL, Ceres Solver, and PROJ4. The core library is light-weight with minimal dependencies (C++ standard library, Vital, and Eigen). The tools are written to depend only on the MAP-Tk and Vital core libraries. Additional capabilities are provided in plugin modules that use third party libraries to implement various abstract algorithm interfaces defined in the core. Plugin modules may also implement additional versions of core MAP-Tk data structures.
In addition to the libraries and tools, a Qt GUI application is provided to assist with visualization of data and results with the help of VTK. The screenshots below show the MAP-Tk GUI visualizing results of MAP-Tk run on a video from the VIRAT Video Dataset.
While the initial software implementation relies on batch post-processing of aerial video, our intent is to move to an online video stream processing framework and optimize the algorithms to real-time performance for use onboard unmanned aerial vehicles.
CMake |
contains CMake helper scripts |
config |
contains reusable default algorithm configuration files |
doc |
contains release notes, manuals, and other documentation |
examples |
contains example tool configuration for public datasets |
gui |
contains the visualization GUI source code and headers |
gui/icons |
contains the visualization GUI icon resources |
maptk |
contains the core library source and headers |
maptk/plugins/ceres |
contains the Ceres Solver plugin source and headers |
maptk/plugins/core |
contains core plugin source and headers |
maptk/plugins/ocv |
contains the OpenCV plugin source and headers |
maptk/plugins/proj |
contains the PROJ4 plugin source and headers |
maptk/plugins/viscl |
contains the VisCL plugin source and headers |
maptk/plugins/vxl |
contains the VXL plugin source and headers |
packaging |
contains support files for CPack packaging |
scripts |
contains Python helper scripts |
scripts/blender |
contains Python plug-ins for Blender |
tests |
contains testing framework and tests for each module |
tools |
contains source for command line utilities |
MAP-Tk uses CMake ( for easy cross-platform compilation. The minimum required version of CMake is 3.0, but newer versions are recommended.
Currently, a compiler with at least partial C++11 support (e.g. GCC 4.4, Visual Studio 2013) is required.
We recommend building MAP-Tk out of the source directory to prevent mixing source files with compiled products. Create a build directory in parallel with the MAP-Tk source directory. From the command line, enter the empty build directory and run:
$ ccmake /path/to/maptk/source
where the path above is the location of your MAP-Tk source tree. The ccmake tool allows for interactive selection of CMake options. Alternatively, using the CMake GUI you can set the source and build directories accordingly and press the "Configure" button.
Build shared libraries (.so/.dylib/.dll) |
The compiler mode, usually Debug or Release |
The path to where you want MAP-Tk to install |
Turn on building the user documentation (manuals) |
Turn on building the Doxygen documentation |
Install Doxygen documentation (requires above enabled) |
Build the unit tests |
Turn on building the Ceres Solver plugin module |
Turn on building the OpenCV plugin module |
Turn on building the PROJ.4 plugin module |
Turn on building the VisCL plugin module |
Turn on building the VXL plugin module |
Add the path to plugins in the build directory to the plugin search path |
Shared libraries (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON
) is required to support dynamic
plugin loading
MAP-Tk has minimal required dependencies at the core level. Enabling plugins adds additional capabilities as well as additional dependencies. Some functionality is duplicated between modules to provide choices. Feature tracking requires OpenCV or VisCL. Bundle adjustment requires Ceres Solver or VXL. Geographic transformations require PROJ4.
The only hard dependencies of MAP-Tk are on the C++ standard library, Vital (contemporary to the version of MAP-Tk being built), and Eigen (≥ 3.0; also required by Vital).
Each MAP-Tk plugin module brings in more dependencies for additional functionality. Dependencies for each module are:
- Ceres : version 1.10.0 or greater
- OpenCV : version 2.4.X (with X >= 6, 3.X support coming soon)
- PROJ : version 4.7
- VisCL : experimental code (unversioned, use master branch)
- VXL : version 1.17 or greater
The visualization application (GUI) is optional, and has additional dependencies. To build the GUI, you need:
- Qt 4 : version 4.8.0 or greater (4.8.6 or greater recommended)
- qtExtensions : no versioned releases as of writing; use master branch
- VTK : version 6.2
Documentation generation is another optional component that brings in additional dependencies. To build the API documentation, you need:
- Doxygen : version 1.7 or greater
To build the user manual(s), you need:
- Python : version 2.6 or greater
- Docutils : version 0.11 or greater
(At present, only the GUI has a user manual. Other manuals may be added in the future.)
Nightly builds of the Doxygen documentation for the primary branches are here:
Nightly master Documentation | |
Nightly release Documentation | |
Doxygen documentation for released versions are here:
MAP-Tk v0.6.1 Documentation | |
MAP-Tk v0.7.2 Documentation | |
MAP-Tk v0.8.0 Documentation | |
is enabled, and CMake finds, or is provided with, a
path to the Doxygen tool, then the HTML documentation is built as part of the
normal build process under the target "doxygen". Open
in your browser to view the
is enabled, and CMake finds, or is provided with, a
path to the Python executable which is able to import docutils, then the user
manuals are built as part of the normal build process under the target
"manuals". The GUI manual can be viewed from inside the GUI by choosing the
"MapGUI User Manual" action from the "Help" menu.
Continuous integration testing is provided by CDash. Our MAP-Tk dashboard hosts nightly build and test results across multiple platforms including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Anyone can contribute a build to this dashboard using the dashboard script provided. Follow the instructions in the comments.
Travis CI is also used for continued integration testing. Travis CI is limited to a single platform (Ubuntu Linux), but provides automated testing of all topic branches and pull requests whenever they are created.
Travis CI master branch: | |
Travis CI release branch: |
MAP-Tk command line tools are placed in the bin
directory of the build
or install path. These tools are described below.
The primary tools are maptk_track_features
. Together these form the sparse bundle
adjustment pipeline. The other tools are for debugging and analysis purposes.
- Takes a list of images and produces a feature tracks file.
- Takes feature tracks and produces cameras (KRTD files) and 3D points (PLY file). Can also take input POS files or geo-reference points and produce optimized POS files.
- Takes POS files and directly produces KRTD.
- Takes images and feature tracks and produces tracking statistics or images with tracks overlaid.
- Estimates a homography transformation between two images, outputting a file containing the matrices.
Each MAP-Tk tool has the same interface and accepts three command line arguments:
to specify an input configuration file-o
to output the current configuration to a file-h
for help (lists these options)
Each tool has all of its options, including paths to input and output files, specified in the configuration file. To get started, run one of the tools like this:
$ maptk_track_features -o config_file.conf
This will produce an initial set of configuration options. You can then edit
to specify input/output files, choices of algorithms, and
algorithm parameters. Just as in CMake, configuring some parameters will
enable new sub-parameters and you need to re-run the tool to get the updated
list of parameters. For example:
$ maptk_track_features -c config_file.conf -o config_file.conf
The above command will overwrite the existing config file with a new file. Ordering of entries and comments are not preserved. Use a different output file name to prevent overwriting the original. Continue to adjust parameters and re-run the above command until the tool no longer reports the message:
ERROR: Configuration not valid.
Note that the config file itself contains detail comments documenting each parameter. For each abstract algorithm you must specify the name of variant to use, but the list of valid names (based on which modules are compiled) is provided directly in the comment for easy reference. When the config file is complete and valid, run the tool one final time as:
$ maptk_track_features -c config_file.conf
An easier way to get started is to use the sample configuration files for each
tool that are provided in the examples
directory. These examples use
recommended default settings that are known to produce useful results on some
selected public data samples. The example configuration files include the
default configuration files for each algorithm in the config
MAP-Tk is a component of Kitware's collection of open source computer vision tools known as KWIVER. Please join the kwiver-users mailing list to discuss MAP-Tk or to ask for help with using MAP-Tk. For less frequent announcements about MAP-Tk and other KWIVER components, please join the kwiver-announce mailing list.
The authors would like to thank AFRL/Sensors Directorate for their support of this work via SBIR Contract FA8650-14-C-1820. This document is approved for public release via 88ABW-2015-2555.