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Swift Platforms Swift Package Manager compatible License


DefaultsWrapper is a collection of property wrappers for UserDefaults.

Why is it more interesting than any other property wrapper for UserDefaults ?

  1. It's new
  2. It supports any type that UserDefaults already supports
  3. It's type-safe
  4. It adds support for enum's out-of-the-box*
  5. It provides support for Encodable types**
  6. It has property wrappers that bring these marvelous features to SwiftUI
  7. It can be used with the popular CoreGraphics value types
  8. It can be used with optional and non-optional values
  9. It automatically registers the default value in the user defaults database
  10. It also may not be that interesting at all...

By the way it's as easy to use as any other property wrapper :

import DefaultsWrapper

struct Game {
    @Defaults("NumberOfPlayers") var playerCount: Int = 3
    @Preference("PlayerName") var playerName: String = "Red"
    @SavedState("StartingPosition") var startPos: CGPoint = .zero

DefaultsWrapper comes with support for all the popular data types (see the list).

As it is easy to make mistake using string literal keys DefaultsWrapper also introduces a UserDefaultsKeyName type to help you manage that. It conforms to both RawRepresentable and ExpressibleByStringLiteral. What could be considered as a best practice is to declare all keys at once inside a UserDefaultsKeyName extension :

extension UserDefaultsKeyName {
    static var numberOfPlayers: UserDefaultsKeyName { "NumberOfPlayers" }
    static var playerName: UserDefaultsKeyName { "PlayerName" }
    static var startingPosition: UserDefaultsKeyName { "StartingPosition" }
struct Game {
    @Defaults(.numberOfPlayers) var playerCount: Int = 3
    @Preference(.playerName) var playerName: String = "Red"
    @SavedState(.startingPosition) var position: CGPoint = .zero

But you still can conveniently use string literals.

*Conditions may apply. See here.
**The target type should conform to UserDefaultsCodable rather than Codable. See here

✨ What's new in 2.0 ? ✨

DefaultsWrapper 2.0 brings two know property wrappers you will use with SwiftUI :

  • Preference. A replacement for AppStorage but as convenient and as adaptable as Default.
  • SavedState. Works like State but the last value set is written to UserDefaults. This value is then read every time a new SavedState bound to the same key comes to life and becomes the actual value.

It features a conformance to Codable for Published. It means that your ObservableObject types can now conform to UserDefaultsCodable ! (Or just Codable).

It supports Decimal, UUID and Locale out-of-the-box.

A brand new documentation thanks to Apple's DocC you can generate directly. It will be made available on another form later this year.

There's also some bug fixes and minor improvements.


  • Swift 5.5+
  • macOS 11+
  • iOS 14+
  • tvOS 14+
  • watchOS 7+


As a Swift Package you can add DefaultsWrapper as a dependency in your project's Package.swift file :

dependencies: [
// Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.0")),

Then import DefaultsWrapper in every file where you want to use it.

Or you can add the DefaultsWrapper folder directly to your project. You can even copy/paste the code somewhere inside your own code.
DefaultsWrapper doesn't need any dependency.

Using @Defaults

Although you can add support for any type you want @Defaults come bundled with free support for a bunch of types that should cover most of the cases. If what is already supported is not enough to fit your needs just make your type conform to UserDefaultsConvertible and write the conversion code.
If you don't state otherwise the default value is added to the registration domain (see here).

@Defaults offers this initializer when wrapping non-optional types (see here for more information about @Defaults and optional types) :

init(key: UserDefaultsKeyName, 
    defaultValue: @autoclosure DefaultValueProvider, 
    defaults: UserDefaults = .standard, 
    registerValue: Bool = true)
  • key: The key with which to associate the wrapped value.
  • defaultValue: An expression of the wrapped type.
  • defaults: The UserDefaults instance where to do it. By default it's UserDefaults.standard
  • registerValue: A boolean value that indicates if the default value should be added to de registration domain, more info here.

Standard types

Since UserDefaults won't accept any kind of value itself @Defaults must not try and pass a value of an illegal type to an UserDefaults instance. Reading Apple's UserDefaults' documentation the type of an object a user's defaults database accepts can be one of these: NSData, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSArray, or NSDictionary. Since macOS 10.6, NSURL has been invited to the party.
Then Swift arrived and we ended up with UserDefaults supporting Int, Double, Float, Bool, String, Data, Date, and URL. Array is also supported if its Element type is of one of these UserDefaults supports. And Finally Dictionnary is supported too if its Key is in fact String and if its Value type is something supported by UserDefaults.

DefaultsWrapper declares a protocol called PropertyListSerializable. These types conform to this protocol and can be used with @Defaults verbatim:

  • Int
  • Double
  • Float
  • Bool
  • String
  • Data
  • Date
  • URL
  • Array and Dictonary also conform to it provided that their respective Element and Key follow the aforementioned rule. Dictionary still accepts Any as Value type.

Obj-C types are not usable with @Defaults, not for free at least.

enum values support

You can use enum' values directly with @Defaults if your enum type meets certain requirements :

  • it has a raw value
  • its raw value conforms to PropertyListSerializable

You get this support for free without doing anything. What you shouldn't do is to conform such an enum to UserDefaultsCodable, use Codable instead.

For example this enum is accepted by @Defaults:

enum Direction: Int {
    case north = 0
    case west, south, east

These are not:

enum Arrow  {
    case up, right, down, left

enum HTTPGetResult {
    case http200(String)
    case http301(String, URL)
    case http403(HTTPError)
    case http404(HTTPError)

You can still do something about these. We'll cover this later in Using your own types.

Support for Codable types

Codable types are nice to use with UserDefaults since they can be transformed into a Data blob rather easily. Nonetheless DefaultsWrapper declares this UserDefaultsCodable protocol.
Why? Because most of our PropertyListSerializable conforming types also conform to Codable thus using Double with @Defaults will cause the compiler to ask itself if it is more Codable or PropertyListSerializable. Of course it won't find the answer and will end up complaining about it. Nobody wants that.

Long story short, UserDefaultsCodable is Codable without being Codable. If you want your Codable type also being accepted by @Defaults simply conform it to UserDefaultsCodable instead.

Default value registration

UserDefaults offers a registration domain where values are associated to keys. Like in the user's defaults database but these values are transient and will never be written to the disk. When your application starts you register a bunch of properties at once —typically in your app delegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching method— and you're good to go.
@Defaults handles this for you. If a default value is set it will be automatically added to the registration domain. You can declare, register and wrap defaults values in just one line of code. You still need to register values you don't wrap with @Defaults.

It's still sadly not a silver bullet. Imagine that you wrap the same value multiple times in multiple places using different default values, what would happen ? It will depend on execution order. You can't predict execution order all the time so you can avoid default value registration by passing false to registerValue during wrapper initialization :

@Defaults(key: "NumberOfPlayers", defaultValue: 3, registerValue: false)
var playerCount: Int

Dealing with optionals

Every type usable with @Defaults can also be used while being optional. The wrapper behavior is slightly different when bound to an optional type :

  • If a default value is provided:
    • the property will never return nil
    • it will return the actual value or the default value
    • setting the property to nil will remove the value from the user's defaults database
  • If no default value is provided or the default value is nil:
    • the property can return nil
    • it will return the actual value or nil if there's no registered value for this key
    • setting the property to nil will remove the value from the user's defaults database

CoreGraphics types

You cant use these CoreGraphics value types directly with @Defaults :

  • CGFloat
  • CGPoint
  • CGSize
  • CGRect
  • CGVector
  • CGAffineTransform

For your convenience these types are not converted to a Data blob but to a human-readable Dictionary. Sometimes you may need to tweak the defaults by hand using the command line, it will remain possible to modify the width property of the size property of RectangularThing. As RectangularThing is a CGRect and every CG type is encoded to a Dictionary which keys are the same that the corresponding type's property names.

Please note that :

  • CGFloat is simply converted to a Double value.
  • CGAffineTransform is converted to an array of Double following this order: a, b, c, d, tx and ty.

Using your own types

You may need to put something else in the user's defaults database. For this there's something you can do depending of what the object's type actually is.

The type is NSString, NSNumber, NSArray, or NSDictionary

Simply declare PropertyListSerializable conformance for this type somewhere in your code, it's easy as writing extension NSNumber: PropertyListSerializable { } (replace NSNumber by the right type of course). Use it at your own risk.

This is a common type that should deserve out-of-the-box support

It's a 3 steps solution :

  1. Fork DefaultsWrapper
  2. Implement support for the aforementioned type
  3. Make a pull request

If you don't know how to do it or don't have time or.... Just open an issue 😉

Opening an issue or making a pull request doesn't necessarily mean support will be implemented or the PR accepted.

It's another thing you can't conform to UserDefaultsCodable

You'll still need to conform your type to UserDefaultsConvertible. The API is quite simple :

associatedtype PropertyListSerializableType: PropertyListSerializable

/// Converts `self` to a serializable type.
func convertedObject() -> PropertyListSerializableType

/// Converts the serialized object back.
/// - Parameter object: The serialized object.
static func instantiate(from object: PropertyListSerializableType) -> Self?

Now it's a two step solution:

  1. Implement convertedObject() -> PropertyListSerializableType to convert instances of your type to something conforming to PropertyListSerializable
  2. Implement instantiate(from object: PropertyListSerializableType) -> Self? to convert something conforming to PropertyListSerializable in a new instance of your type, if possible.

As a exemple here is how to conform SIMD2<Int> to UserDefaultsConvertible :

extension SIMD2: UserDefaultsConvertible where Scalar == Int {
    public func convertedObject() -> [String: Int] {
        ["x": self.x, "y": self.y]

    public static func instantiate(from object: [String : Int]) -> SIMD2<Int>? {
        guard let x = object["x"], let y = object["y"] else { return nil }

        return .init(x: x, y: y)

or even in a more generic form :

extension SIMD2: UserDefaultsConvertible where Scalar: PropertyListSerializable {
    public func convertedObject() -> [String: Scalar] {
        ["x": self.x, "y": self.y]

    public static func instantiate(from object: [String : Scalar]) -> Self? {
        guard let x = object["x"], let y = object["y"] else { return nil }

        return .init(x: x, y: y)

UserDefaults extension

An UserDefault extension is also publicly accessible in DefaultsWrapper and allows any UserDefaults instance to support as much types as @Defaults, @Preference or @SavedState.
You can store any supported value using the set method, to retrieve values here are the methods (names are self-explanatory) :

func rawReprensentable<T: RawRepresentable>(forKey UserDefaultsKeyName: String) -> T? where T.RawValue: PropertyListSerializable
func decodable<T: UserDefaultsCodable>(forKey UserDefaultsKeyName: String) -> T?

// CG Types
func cgFloat(forKey UserDefaultsKeyName: String) -> CGFloat
func cgPoint(forKey UserDefaultsKeyName: String) -> CGPoint
func cgSize(forKey UserDefaultsKeyName: String) -> CGSize
func cgRect(forKey UserDefaultsKeyName: String) -> CGRect
func cgVector(forKey UserDefaultsKeyName: String) -> CGVector
func cgAffineTransform(forKey UserDefaultsKeyName: String) -> CGAffineTransform

There is also a register method that allows to register only one object instead of a Dictionary, for every supported type.

List of supported types

Standard types

  • Int
  • Double
  • Float
  • Bool
  • String
  • Data
  • Date
  • URL
  • Array if its required type Element is itself supported
  • Dictonary if its Key required type is String and its Element one is supported.


  • Decimal
  • UUID
  • Locale

Core Graphics

  • CGFloat
  • CGPoint
  • CGSize
  • CGRect
  • CGVector
  • CGAffineTransform


Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Pierre Tacchi

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Yet another property wrapper for UserDefaults







No packages published
