Table of Contents
The project is a simple Python program that calculates the amount of money that a customer owes for purchasing tickets to a football game. There are three different types of tickets that a customer can purchase: adult, child, or senior tickets.
The objective of this program is to demonstrate the following:
- practice writing a short Python program
- demonstrate knowledge on the basics of input and output within Python
- display knowledge of basic Python arithmetic
This program assumes that the user will enter a valid input each time the program requests a value for the number of tickets. The program's output will result in unknown behavior if anything other than an integer value is entered by the user. The program also assumes that the number of tickets the user enters will be a positive number. If the user enters a negative number, then the school will end up owing the customer, which is a problem.
To run the program, download the contents of the project and simply run make in the terminal.
Name: Garrett Ellis
Project Link: