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Project to gather some statistics around how platform features are used


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Collect stats for Q42 internal usage, shared across multiple Android projects.

An iOS version is also available:


Add the Jitpack repo and include the library:

   allprojects {
       repositories {
           maven { url "" }
   dependencies {
       implementation '' // Replace X.X.X by the latest version,
       // which is available in the Jitpack badge at the top of this page


  1. Get the API key from The Api project. Use this key in the next step.

  2. Call Q42Stats().runAsync(Context) from anywhere in your app.

    class SampleApplication : Application() {
        override fun onCreate() {
                    apiKey = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    firestoreCollectionId = "yourExistingFirestoreCollectionId",
                    // wait at least 7.1 days between data collections. the extra .1 is for a tiny bit of time-of-day randomization
                    minimumSubmitIntervalSeconds = 7.1.days.inWholeSeconds

    This can be safely called from the main thread since all work (both collecting statistics and sending them to the server) are done on an IO thread.

    It is safe to call this function multiple times, as it will exit immediately if it is already running or when a data collection interval has not passed yet.

Debug Logging

By default, Q42Stats only logs errors. For debugging purposes, set the log level before using Q42Stats:

Q42Stats.logLevel = Q42StatsLogLevel.Debug


  • Q42Stats is tiny, because it only depends on Kotlin. The library size is about 50kB.
  • Data consumption is also very modest. For each minimumSubmitInterval that you configure, about 5kB of data is transferred.
  • Data collection is run on an IO thread, so it doesn't block your application.

Data collected

Q42Stats does not collect any personally identifiably information and is fully GDPR compliant. This has been verified by legal counsel. It should not be necesaary to ask users for permission before invoking Q42Stats.

Below is a listing of all information gathered by Q42Stats. Not all fields are supported on all versions of Android. If unsupported, the corresponding key is omitted.


Key Value Notes
isClosedCaptioningEnabled bool Live transcription of any spoken audio (minSdk >= 19)
isTouchExplorationEnabled bool Whether any assistive feature is enabled where the user navigates the interface by touch. Most probably TalkBack, or similar
isTalkBackEnabled bool iOS: VoiceOver
isSamsungTalkBackEnabled bool Specifically checks whether is enabled
isSelectToSpeakEnabled bool iOS: Speak Selection
isSwitchAccessEnabled bool Control the device by a switch such as a foot pedal
isBrailleBackEnabled bool Navigate the screen with an external Braille display
isVoiceAccessEnabled bool iOS: Voice Control
fontScale float Default value depends on device model. Some devices have a default font scaling of 1.1, for example
fontWeightAdjustment float Default value is: 0. When bold text is enabled this value is greater than 0 (minSdk >= 31). Known issue: Always returns 0 on Samsung
displayScale float Overall interface scaling ie. display density scaling. Default value may depend on device model (minSdk >= 24)
isMagnificationEnabled bool Whether magnification is enabled (more specifically, whether magnification shortcuts are enabled) (minSdk >= 17).
isColorInversionEnabled bool Available starting from Android 5.0 (>=21)
isColorBlindModeEnabled bool
isHighTextContrastEnabled bool When enabled, all text has a thin outline. Available starting from Android 5.0 (>=21)
isAnimationsDisabled bool Can be disabled pre-Android 9 (<28) through Developer Options, starting from Android 9 possible to any user (minSdk >= 19).
enabledAccessibilityServices Array<String> List of enabled accessibility package names, eg ['com.accessibility.service1', 'nl.accessibility.service2']


Key Value Notes
daytime day, twilight, night, unknown Coarse estimation of time of day. unknown if user is not in Amsterdam TimeZone
isNightModeEnabled bool iOS: Dark Mode (minSdk: 29)


Key Value Notes
screenOrientation portrait, landscape, unknown
screenWidth String Screen width in density-independent pixels. Beware: this value is different when there is a different screen orientation.
screenHeight String Screen height in density-independent pixels. Beware: this value is different when there is a different screen orientation.


Key Value Notes
applicationId String identifier for the app for which data is collected, as set in the app's Manifest. iOS: bundleId
defaultLanguage en-GB, nl-BE, nl, ... If the country part (-BE) is not available, the value is just the language part ("nl")
sdkVersion int 29 for Android 10. See this list
manufacturer String eg. samsung
modelName String May be a marketing name, but more often an internal code name. eg. SM-G980F for a particular variant of a Samsung Galaxy S10


All classes and functions that are not used by implementing apps should have internal visibility.

Since this a library, all errors should be caught so that implementing apps don't crash. During development, you can use the debug flavors to allow the sample app to crash in cause of an Exception (see handleException()). When testing, use the release variants to make sure that exceptions don't crash the implementing apps.

Catch Throwable; not Exception. Since Throwabl is the superclass of Exception, this will make the lib more resilient to crashes.

For accessibility properties we want to track but could not find a property for, see

Setup for lib development

  1. Get the API key from The Api project. Use this key in the next step.
  2. Create a file called in the root of the project (not in the app folder). Contents:
    Note that this file will be ignored by git.
  3. Change the SampleApplication to construct a Q42Stats object for a real firestore collection.


This library is distributed using JitPack. This makes publishing a new version very easy:

  1. In Q42Stats.kt, increment DATA_MODEL_VERSION by 1 if any changes to collected data is made.
  2. Push the code for the new version to the main branch
  3. Unit tests will be run automatically. Check JitCI for status
  4. Create a tag in the semver format: x.x.x without the preceding v.
  5. On GitHub, create a release from that tag. Give it the same name; x.x.x
  6. If everything went well the release will be visible on JitPack and the version number in the badge at the top of this page will update.
  7. In the Sample app build.gradle, Change the line jitpackImplementation ' to the latest version.


  • JitCi build failing while it can be successfully built locally

    Perhaps something is broken in JitCi. JitPack can also be used for building and might be more stable. To disable JitCi, select "Stop Building" in JitCi's settings page You will lose thebuild status indicators in GitHub, however


Project to gather some statistics around how platform features are used







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