n2Mvc is a Web Mvc Framework mostly like ASP.NET MVC.
// config.js
exports.init = function(){
{controller:'home', action:'index'},
##Controller And Action
will callexports.index_get
will callexports.index
// controllers/home.js exports.index = function(fnNext){ // this.req --> the httpRequest object // this.res --> the httpResponse object // this.routeData --> the route info // this.ar --> the actionresults method(view, raw, json, redirect, redirectPermanent, notFound, notModified, error) fnNext( this.ar.view({msg: 'hello world'}) ); }; exports.index_get = function(fnNext){ fnNext( this.ar.view({msg: 'hello world'}) ); };
You must call the
to continue handler the request.
##Action Filter
var myFilter = function(){
this.onControllerExecuting = function(ctx, fnNext){
// ctx.req --> the httpRequest object
// ctx.res --> the httpResponse object
// ctx.routeData --> the route info
// ctx.ar --> the actionresults method
// you can log or check the auth here
fnNext( this.ar.redirect('/login') );
this.onControllerExecuted = function(ctx, fnNext){
this.onActionExecuting = function(ctx, fnNext){
this.onActionExecuted = function(ctx, fnNext){
this.onResultExecuting = function(ctx, fnNext){
this.onResultExecuted = function(ctx, fnNext){
// Add filter to the controller
this.filters = [new myFilter()];
exports.index = function(fnNext){
fnNext( this.ar.view({msg: 'hello world'}) );
// Add filter to the action
exports.index.filters = [new myFilter()];
You must call the fnNext
to continue handler the request. To end the request, you can put any actionResult to fnNext
, just like fnNext('end')
Order of the filters execution is:
1. onControllerExecuting
2. onActionExecuting
2. the action execute
3. onResultExecuting
4. the actionResult execute
5. onResultExecuted
6. onActionExecuted
7. onControllerExecuted
exports.beginRequest = function(ctx, fnNext){
// ctx.req --> the httpRequest object
// ctx.res --> the httpResponse object
// ctx.ar --> the actionresults method
// you can log or do other thing here
exports.beginMvcHandler = function(ctx, fnNext){
// ctx.req --> the httpRequest object
// ctx.res --> the httpResponse object
// ctx.routeData --> the route info
// ctx.ar --> the actionresults method
exports.endMvcHandler = function(ctx, fnNext){
// ctx.req --> the httpRequest object
// ctx.res --> the httpResponse object
// ctx.routeData --> the route info
// ctx.ar --> the actionresults method
exports.endRequest = function(ctx, fnNext){
// ctx.req --> the httpRequest object
// ctx.res --> the httpResponse object
// ctx.routeData --> the route info
// ctx.ar --> the actionresults method
Make sure call the fnNext
to continue handler the request. To end the request, you can put any actionResult to fnNext
, just like fnNext('end')
Order of the middleware event execution is:
1. beginRequest
2. beginMvcHandler
(if not the static file request)
2. mvc handler (if not the static file request)
3. endMvcHandler
(if not the static file request)
4. endRequest
##Request and Response object
- `req.get`: the querystring key-value object
- `req.post`: the post form data kev-value object
- `req.cookies`: the cookies key-value object
- `res.cookies.set`: set the respose cookies: `res.cookies.set('name', 'value', {*options*})`. `options` is the same as cookie options.
- `res.cookies.clear`: delete the cookie: `res.cookies.clear('name', {*options*})`
The viewdata you pass to the view is in the viewdata
or #{vd.***}
+ helper file put in projectDir/helpers/
+ eg. projectDir/helpers/timeFormat.js
+ then use in the view like this: var tf = Helper('timeFormat');
- QLeelulu
- fengmk2
- waiting for you
View the LICENSE file.