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Releases: QUAKTECH/QuakTech-Licenses

QUAKTECH License v2

15 Jun 22:25
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QUAKTECH License v2

Written By AeternusDio

  • Permissions:

    • Copy, distribute, and modify this license document, with credit to the original author.
    • Use the Software for any purpose, including commercial, private, and public purposes.
    • Make copies of the Software, in whole or in part, for any purpose.
    • Modify the Software, including creating derivative works.
    • Merge the Software with other software to form a larger work.
    • Publish the Software, including modifications or derivative works.
    • Distribute copies of the Software, including modifications or derivative works, to third parties.
    • Grant sublicenses to third parties to use the Software under the terms of this license.
    • Sell copies of the Software, including modifications or derivative works.
  • Conditions:

    • Original author of the license document must be credited.
    • The phrase "License written by AeternusDio" must be prominently displayed at the top of all unmodified copies.
    • Modified copies of the license document do not constitute new versions but entirely new licenses.
    • New licenses must not claim to be the original QUAKTECH license or any version thereof.
    • Upon any breach of the terms, the license and the rights granted terminate automatically.
    • Upon termination, all copies of the Software must be destroyed.
    • The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
    • Specific prior written permission from [FULLNAME] is required to endorse or promote products derived from or using the Software.
  • Limitations:

    • The Software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied.
    • No rights in the patents, trademarks, service marks, or any other intellectual property rights of [FULLNAME] are granted by this license.
    • [FULLNAME] grants a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license under [FULLNAME]'s applicable patent rights only if any entity asserts patent claims against [FULLNAME] or any contributor to the Software.
    • In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability arising from the Software or its use.

QUAKTECH License v1

15 Jun 08:58
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QUAKTECH License v1 Pre-release

QUAKTECH License v1

Written by AeternusDio


  • Copy the license document verbatim or modified.
  • Distribute verbatim or modified copies of the license document.
  • Modify and release modified versions of the license document freely, with attribution to "AeternusDio" at the top.
  • Use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and sell copies of the Software.
  • Permit others to whom the Software is furnished to do the same.
  • Use the Software for commercial, public, or private purposes.
  • Use the Software to endorse or promote products derived from it without specific prior written permission, except for endorsing products using the Software itself.


  • The Software is provided "as is," without warranties of any kind.
  • The authors or copyright holders are not liable for any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the Software or its use.
  • The Software may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from or using the Software without specific prior written permission from the author.


  • Include the copyright notice and permission notice in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  • Include attribution to "AeternusDio" at the top of any modified versions of the license document.
  • Obtain specific prior written permission from the author to use the Software to endorse or promote products derived from or using the Software.