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pod 'QNetworking'



Create an object that conforms to FormTransformable

import QNetworking

struct MyForm {
    let id: Int
    let photo: Data
    let filePDF: Data

extension MyForm: FormTransformable {
    var formDict: [String : Any] {
        var dict = [String: Any]()
        dict["id"] = id
        dict["photo"] = photo
        dict["file"] = FormFile(name: "FileName", data: filePDF, type: "application/pdf", fileName: "name" + ".pdf")
        return dict

Use FormDataEncoder to encode your object to the data that will be sent to the server

let form = MyForm(...)
let formEnc = FormDataEncoder(boundary: API_BOUNDARY)
let data = try? formEnc.encode(form)

Advanced use

There are two internal structs that you will normally don't need, FormField and FormFile, the former will be converted from your key:value dict and the latter from your key:data dict, but will be automatically use a jpg MIME type and name, if you need to use another MIME type you will have to use FormFile directly like the example in Usage.


Conform your enum to QRequestable so you get acces a to .request that gives you an URLRequest


enum API {
    case login(username: String)
    case pub(id: Int)

extension API: QRequestable {
    /* Conform to QRequestable */

Use it for your URLSession

let dataTask = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: 3).request)
