Declarative Data Viz 4 Scala - a thin shim around vega and vega lite.
The aim is to make "simple" plotting cases as simple as possible in interactive / scripting scala environments. The idea is to expose vega / lite, in a fairly "raw" manner. There are "plot targets" for the all the "common" environments that I have wanted.
This library works well enough for my needs, and I've been using it for a couple of years now.
Clone quicktype npm run build
... or paste into
script/quicktype -o vega-lite.scala -t VegaLiteDsl -l scala3 --no-combine-classes -s schema --framework circe --src --package viz.vega.dsl.vegaLite
script/quicktype -o vega.scala -t Vega -l scala3 --no-combine-classes -s schema --package viz.dsl.vega --framework circe --src
Currently, there are some niggling problems which remain after generation;
- Some givens of union types have duplicate shapes, need to comment out the encoder / decoders for some of them
- introduce a nulltype parameter.
"imports": {
"##vega-embed": "",
"##vega-view": ""