The Acacia back end supports the e-commerce platform with a .NET Web API, Docker for containerization, and SQL Server for the database. This project handles server-side logic, data management, and API endpoints.
- .NET Web API: Provides a robust and scalable API.
- Docker: Containerizes the application for consistent deployment.
- SQL Server: Manages and stores application data efficiently.
To get started with the Acacia back end:
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Navigate into the project directory
cd Acacia_Back_End
# Build and start the Docker containers
docker-compose up --build
# Run database migrations
# Ensure you have a valid connection string in appsettings.json
# Run migrations for DefaultConnection
dotnet ef database update --context Context
# Run migrations for IdentityConnection
dotnet ef database update --context AppIdentityDbContext
# The API will be accessible at http://localhost:7234
# To stop the containers
docker-compose down