- Cloud Computing is a on-demand delivery of computer power, database storage, applications and other IT resources.
- We can provision exactly the right type and size of computing resource you need.
- We can access to as many resources as instantly as possible.
- On demand Self-Service.
- Broad network access.
- Multi-tenancy and resource pooling.
- Rapid elasticity and scalability.
- Measured Service.
- Trade Capital Expense (CAPEX) for operational expense(OPEX)
- Benfit from massive economies of scale.
- Scales automatically.
- increase speed and agility.
- Dont have to personally maintain data centers.
- Go global in minutes.
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
- Platform as a Service (PaaS).
- Software as a Service (SaaS).
I have created and hosted a web app using Flask. Ran DB queries, Implemented load balancer to distribute inbound flow. ElasticBeanstalk and EC2 instances were made, Uploaded data into RDS, performed the crude operation, handled instances, and auto-scaled on application.