Releases: RDFLib/pySHACL
v0.30.0 - 2025-01-24
- Finalize the decoupling of
from graphidentifier
.- Blame the conflated naming of
in RDFLib for that confusion.
- Blame the conflated naming of
will now correctly detect and use the BaseURI of files passed in, for relative URIs.- Fixes #281
- Update to Poetry v2.0 and new pyproject.toml format.
- Removed "Black", switched to "Ruff" for formatting as well as linting.
- Switched to parsing
IRIs in line with the RDF spec, and allow (base-less, or root-less) relativefile:
IRIs (as per the RDF spec).- But "file:" IRIs in Turtle files are now not made relative to BaseURI, because they are relative to the CWD.
v0.29.1 - 2024-12-16
v0.29.1 - 2024-12-16
- Two new basic examples in the Examples folder.
- "" shows how to use SPARQL-based Constraints to assert a datatype on a literal.
- "" shows how to use SparqlConnector store to validate data on a remote SPARQL endpoint.
- Fixed a bug where the
would become "None" (string) in theload_from_source
function. - Typos in the example Ontology files in the test suite.
v0.29.0 - Halloween Release
v0.29.0 - 2024-11-01 - Halloween Release
- When validating a Dataset instead of a bare Graph, PySHACL will now expand RDFS and OWL-RL inferences into
a separate named graph, to avoid polluting the datagraph. - When using SHACL Triple Rules from SHACL-AF spec, PySHACL will now add the expressed triples into
a separate named graph. This allows you to more easily get the expanded triples back out again afterward.- This is implemented for TripleRules, SPARQLRules and JSRules
- PySHACL no longer supports older RDFLib versions
- PySHACL relies on the latest OWL-RL version, that in-turn relies on the latest RDFLib version
- Therefore PySHACL now requires RDFLib v7.1.1 or newer
- Dropped Python 3.8 support.
- Python developers discontinued Python 3.8 last month
- The next version of RDFLib and OWL-RL will not support Python 3.8
- Removed Python 3.8 from the RDFLib test suite
- Python 3.9-specific typing changes will be incrementally introduced
2024-10-25- v0.28.1 - Quick fix for logging
v0.28.1 - 2024-10-25
- PySHACL no longer overwrites the Python
logger and removes all its handlers. How Rude.
2024-10-23 - v0.28.0 - Evolving
v0.28.0 - 2024-10-23
- owl:imports now works with bnode values, where it contains the following:
- schema:url is the string where to find the imported ontology
- schema:url (again) with a "file://" path, to a local copy of the ontology
- schema:identifier that is the canonical name to use for the ontology at load time (this is the publicID)
- RDFUtil.loader
function now supportsidentifier
that is akin to the publicID of the file being
loaded, and that is passed to RDFLib parser to correctly do relative URIs, etc.
- Big change to how Milti-graph datasets (ie, rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph and rdflib.Dataset) are handled.
- Instead of validating each named graph individually, PySHACL now sets
now validates the entire Dataset at once. - This allows you to logically segment your dataset as desired into many individual named graphs, and validation
will still work as you expect it to. - This is in preparation for another big upcoming change in pySHACL that will allow OWL-RL inferencing to place
inferred triples into a separate named graph, and SHACL Rules to place inferred triples into a separate named graph,
and validation will still work as expected because validation is now against a union of the whole dataset.
- Instead of validating each named graph individually, PySHACL now sets
- Pre-Compile Regexs in sh:Pattern constraints. This allows faster re-use of the constraint, if is applied to
many different targets.
- Attempting to stringify a focus_node ar a value_node from the datagraph, where that node doesn't actually exist in
the datagraph, no longer crashes, it falls back to a different method.
0.27.0 - 2024-10-11 - Feature packed
SHACL Rules Expander Mode
- A new alternative Run Mode for PySHACL
- PySHACL will not validate the DataGraph against Shapes and Constraints, instead it will simply run all SHACL-AF Rules to expand the DataGraph.
- By default it will output a new graph containing the existing DataGraph Triples plus the expanded triples
- Run with inplace mode to expand the new triples directly into the input DataGraph
Focus Node Filtering
- You can now pass in a list of focus nodes to the validator, and it will only validate those focus nodes.
- Note, you still need to pass in a SHACL Shapes Graph, and the shapes still need to target the focus nodes.
- This feature will filter the Shapes' targeted focus nodes to include only those that are in the list of specified focus nodes.
SHACL Shape selection
- You can now pass in a list of SHACL Shapes to the validator, and it will use only those Shapes for validation.
- This is useful for testing new shapes in your shapes graph, or for many other procedure-driven use cases.
Combined Shape Selection with Focus Node filtering
- The combination of the above two new features is especially powerful.
- If you give the validator a list of Shapes to use, and a list of focus nodes, the validator will operate in
a highly-targeted mode, it feeds those focus nodes directly into those given Shapes for validation. - In this mode, the selected SHACL Shape does not need to specify any focus-targeting mechanisms of its own.
Combined Rules Expander Mode with Shape Selection
- The combination of SHACL Rules Expander Mode and Shape Selection will allow specialised workflows.
- For example, you can run specific expansion rules from a SHACL Shapes File, based on the new triples required.
Don't make a clone of the DataGraph if the input data graph is ephemeral.
- An ephemeral graph is one that is loaded from a string or file location by PySHACL
- This includes all files opened by the PySHACL CLI validator tool
- We don't need to make a copy because PySHACL parsed the Graph into memory itself already, so we are not concerned about not polluting the user's graph.
- shacl_path_to_sparql_path code to a reusable importable function
- move sht_validate and dash_validate routes to
module.- Removes some complexity from the main
- Removes some complexity from the main
- A whole swathe of python typing fixes and new type annotations. Thanks @ajnelson-nist
Fixed SHACL Path generation where sh:inversePath is wrapping a different kind of SHACL Path.
- This probably fixes lots of unreported sh:inversePath bugs
- Fixes #227
Fixed generic message generation when there are multiple sh:and, sh:or, or sh:xone constraints on a Shape.
- Fixes #220
Fix logic determining if a datagraph is ephemeral.
0.26.0 - 2024-04-11
Added ability to specify a custom max-evaluation-depth. If you find yourself with a legitimate use case, and you are certain you need to increase this limit, and you are cetain you know what you are doing:
- use
--max-depth i
argument on the commandline wherei
is an integer 1 to 999. - or use
in the validator arguments if using PySHACL as a library. - Fixes #224
Add a "SHACLExecutor" context to be passed down to all Shape and Constraint objects, to allow them to operate in a common mode with common configuration values, as chosen by the mechanism that starts them (eg, the Validator). - This will allow for further configuration of "modes of operation" for PySHACL in the future, to allow for forms of exectors other than "Validator".
Bumped Black version to 24.3.0 to mitigate CVE.
Bumped Poetry and Poetry-Core version to latest-and-greatest (fixes a bunch of long-standing bugs, I highly recommend updating).
cli main()
no longer returns and int
, it now emits sys.exit(code)
and never returns.
Fixed typing on Python 3.8 and 3.12 (PRs #192 and #223). Thanks @ajnelson-nist
Fixed auto-generated validation message for sh:not
when more than one sh:not
is used on a constraint.
0.25.0 - 2023-11-23
Dropped support for Python 3.7
- Note, for compatibility with RDFLib 7.0, we specify a minimum Python version of v3.8.1
Add preliminary support for Python 3.12
Dropped support for RDFLib v6.2.0 and earlier
- Only RDFLib v6.3.2 and v7.0 are supported by PySHACL v0.25.0+
Bumped to updated version of Black and Ruff
- Reformatted everything according to py38 codestyle
Do not hard-pin to importlib-metadata. Fixes #214
0.24.1 - 23-11-23
Note - The 0.24.x series is the last to support Python 3.7
RDFLib v7.0.0 and some other dependencies already don't support 3.7, so PySHACL will drop it from 0.25+
- Shape can have multiple values for
. Fixes #217
0.24.0 - 2023-11-08
Note - The 0.24.x series is the last to support Python 3.7
RDFLib v7.0.0 and some other dependencies already don't support 3.7, so PySHACL will drop it from 0.25+
- Compatibility with RDFLib v7.0.0 - Closes #197
now works again, even if there are no value nodes found
on the path of the parentPropertyShape
. Fixes #213 Thank you @ajnelson-nist for finding and reporting this.- Fixes in rdfutl (clone dataset, mixin dataset, and innoculate dataset) to support the case where all the DS's
triples are in the default-context-uri graph.
- In accordance with corresponding changes in RDFLib v7.0.0, PySHACL will now always use the default-context-uri graph
when parsing a grpah into a Dataset or a ConjunctiveGraph - Switched from deprecated
for compatibility with Python 3.11 and 3.12.- This changes the way
are detected at runtime. If this adversely affects you, let us know.
- This changes the way
- Bumped PrettyTable dependency to a much newer version, to fix distro packaging conflicts and oth