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Spring-boot 1.5.4 angular4 development configuration demo

1o. build angular frontend

git clone
cd webui
yarn install
ng build -prod

2o. build spring-boot backend

cd ..
mvn clean package

3o. running frontend served by backend

java -jar target/springdemo-0.0.1.jar

open browser ---> http://localhost:9119

Expected result

Beer List

Kentucky Brunch Brand Stout

Good Morning

Very Hazy

King Julius

Technical tips

See proxy.conf.json in webui folder

The client at 4200 port will proxy any “/api/” requests to the “backend” server at “localhost: 9119”.

  "/api": {
    "target": "http://localhost:9119",
    "secure": false

See in src/main/resources folder

This instructs spring to lookup for static content at...


See pom.xml in [project] folder

Ideally, for any non-trivial use case, you should build your client and server independently, and deploy client bundles (static resources) to your choice of web server such as Apache, NGINX, IIS etc., and application server running your choice of servlet container such as Tomcat, Jetty, etc. However, if you need something quick, you can use the following steps to generate a single deployable war/jar file.

  1. Build Client - Go to “webui” project directory and run “ng build -prod” command.

  2. Build Server to generate a deployable war/jar. We can do this by right clicking on the “webui” project” and clicking Run As -> Maven Install. But before we do this, we have to modify our pom.xml to include static resources from the “webui” project as shown below.

            <!-- *** RESOURCE PLUGIN *** -->
                    <!-- copy webui dist folder to target/classes/static -->
        <!-- </pluginManagement> -->

After you will see something like this: ( I.E. the same content at webui/dist folder after running "ng build -prod" command )

-rw-r--r--   1 home  staff       0 17 Ago 11:34 3rdpartylicenses.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 home  staff    5430 17 Ago 11:34 favicon.ico
-rw-r--r--   1 home  staff     672 17 Ago 11:34 index.html
-rw-r--r--   1 home  staff    1460 17 Ago 11:34 inline.e9174c630371efb68e5f.bundle.js
-rw-r--r--   1 home  staff    5151 17 Ago 11:34 main.a2863d0e717153382843.bundle.js
-rw-r--r--   1 home  staff   63071 17 Ago 11:34 polyfills.f77454f386e1728adda2.bundle.js
-rw-r--r--   1 home  staff       0 17 Ago 11:34 styles.d41d8cd98f00b204e980.bundle.css
-rw-r--r--   1 home  staff  326244 17 Ago 11:34 vendor.a120b16e335ee6542f2f.bundle.js
