A fun project to identify under valued assets, mainly securities analysis.
I basically built a web-crawler to retrive financial statements (income statements, balance sheet, cashflow statements).
Read books especially from value investors like Ben Graham etc. I will put a list of interesting books and ideas later.
Currently available exchanges : HK, NSE(India), BSE(India), NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, TYO (Tokyo), SZSE (Shenzen), SSE (Shanghai)
Transfer some of the machine learning techniques to analyse and potentially make a buck or two.
It is possible to write config files to specify multiple processes and repeat structure. Most common config files is to retrive all the WSJ data and the 100-day quotes data. It is usually a good idea to log everything to an external server.
Logging Server
socat TCP4-LISTEN:9595,fork STDOUT
WSJ Data
python sundance_multi.py -f config/retrive-parse-insert.config.xml --logserver localhost:9595
100d Quotes Data
python sundance_multi.py -f config/retrive-parse-insert-recent-quotes.config.xml --logserver localhost:9595
python data_retriver.py -sd equities_db/data__N -ld equities_db/lists --wsj --xhkex --xbse --xnse
python data_parser.py --wsj -sd equities_db/data__N -ld equities_db/lists/ --xhkex --xbse --xnse
python data_inserter.py --wsj -db equities_db/data__N -l equities_db/lists/ --xhkex --xbse --xnse
python data_parser.py --delete_raw_wsj -sd equities_db/data__N -ld equities_db/lists/ --xhkex --xbse --xnse
python data_retriver.py -sd equities_db/data__quotes_N -ld equities_db/lists --quotes_full --xnse --xhkex
python data_retriver.py -sd equities_db/data__quotes_N -ld equities_db/lists --quotes_recent --xnse --xhkex
python daily_quote_inserter.py -db equities_db/data__quotes_N -ld equities_db/lists --xnse --xhkex
python data_retriver.py -v 1 -sd equities_db/data__N -ld equities_db/lists --wsj --xhkex --xbse --xnse
python data_parser.py --hkex --wsj -sd equities_db/data__N -ld equities_db/lists/ -v 1 --delete_raw --xhkex --xbse --xnse
Populate list of stocks from various exchanges. You might also want to look at test_pkg.py
which is a cummulation of all the required pakages.
python init_lister.py
Here are some prerequist packages
sudo pip install beautifulsoup4 xlrd lxml pymongo
Beautiful Soup
sudo pip install beautifulsoup4
sudo pip install xlrd
sudo pip install lxml
sudo pip install pymongo
I insert individual elements into flat mongodb structure. Note that the code might not be exactlty as described in document, but is more or less consistent.
Details of Schema : HERE
List of books, articles, other resources to learn on investing HERE
This software is being released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerial License.
Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works and remixes based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits (attribution) in the manner specified by these. Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works and remixes based on it only for non-commercial purposes. For commerial license please contact the author.
Manohar Kuse mpkuse@connect.ust.hk
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