- My journey to becoming a web developer from scratch without a CS degree (and what I learned from it) - Sergei Garcia
- 25 Best Job Sites for Finding Your FIRST Developer Job - Laurence Bradford/SkillCrush
- InterviewThis: an open source list of developer questions to ask prospective employers - Jarvis Badgley
- Cracking the front-end interview - Jonathan Z. White
- Exemplary fullstack Medium.com clone in various frontend and backend frameworks
- Boilrplate - a curated directory of boilerplates to help you start your projects
- Front-End Developer Handbook 2017
- JavaScript Code Smells - Elijah Manor
- reddit/javascript - My name's Tim and I just finished my free open source CC/MIT licensed course on building products using JavaScript
- Free Programming Books repo - Victor Felder
- reddit/web_dev_help - Porfolio Project Idea List
- reddit/webdev - A list of project ideas as provided by /r/webdev users
- JS Stack from Scratch - Jonathan Verrecchia
- DevDocs documentation aggregator
- JavaScript30 - build 30 things in 30 days with vanilla JS
- Eloquent JavaScript - Marijn Haverbeke
- reddit/webdev - My company hass $1000 for me to spend on job-related (web dev) education. Any recommendations? - post by Komorebi-Light
- Spellbook of Modern Web Dev - Dexter Yang
- Clean Code - Robert C. Martin
- The Pragmatic Programmer, From Journeyman To Master - Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
- Build Yourself a Redux - Justin Deal
- React/Redux Links - Mark Erikson - big link depot!
- The Inner Workings Of Virtual DOM - Raja Rao
- Securing React Redux Apps With JWT Tokens - Raja Rao
- Full Stack Redux Tutorial - Tero Parviainen
- Awesome React: A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem - Nick Raienko
- Boilrplate: React
- React-Responsive: media queries in React for responsive design - contra
- React on the Server for Beginners: Build a Universal React and Node App - Luciano Mammino
- Tutorial: Handcrafting an Isomorphic Redux Application (With Love) - Milo Mordaunt
- Redux-Saga
- SurviveJS - book by Juho Vepsäläinen
- Server-Side Rendering With React, Node And Express - Dmitry Nutels
- Using create-react-app with a Server: How to get "create-react-app" to work with your API - Anthony Accomazzo
- A possible folder structure for React apps - Ryan Florence
- Leveling Up With React: React Router - Brad Westfall
- React.js Introduction For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By - Shu Uesugi
- NodeSchool
- 7 Restful Routes - Alex Chin
- Introduction to MongoDB using the MEAN stack - edX
- agar.io clone - Huy Tr.
- Learn You a Haskell For Great Good! - book by Miran Lipovača
- Real World Haskell - book by Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen
- Functional Programming Principles in Scala - Coursera course by Prof. Martin Odersky, creator of Scala
- Functional Program Design in Scala - ibid.
- Parallel Programming - Coursera course by Prof. Viktor Kuncak and Dr. Aleksandar Prokopec (continuation of above)
- Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark - Coursera course by Dr. Heather Miller (continuation of above)
- Functional Programming in Scala Capstone - Coursera course by Dr. Julien Richard-Foy (finishes above sequence)
- Official Scala documentation
- Scala School! From ∅ to Distributed Service - by Twitter
- Scala Exercises - by 47 Degrees
- Daily Scala - Jesse Eichar
- Purely Functional Data Structures - Chris Okasaki - doctoral thesis, not the book of the same name
- Type-level Web APIs with Servant - Alp Mestanogullari, Sönke Hahn, Julian K. Arni, Andres Löh - Web API built in Haskell