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Tangil edited this page Mar 9, 2021 · 5 revisions

C# bots have two components: A small Python file that is managed by the RLBot framework, and an executable that holds the real logic.

Historically, it had always been necessary to start the .exe manually. It is now possible to have the framework start it automatically by providing a path to the .exe.

To take advantage of this, the Python part of your bot must set self.executable_path (if the Python agent derives from ExecutableWithSocketAgent). This is done for you already in the example bot. Note that if you are on an older version, the Python agent will derive from BaseDotNetAgent and the field instead should be self.dotnet_executable_path.

This is mainly useful in situations like tournaments. For local development, you will likely still want to start the bot manually from Visual Studio/Rider (or your IDE of choice) so it's easy to do breakpoint debugging.

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