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Knowledge Poem

Joseph C. Richardson edited this page Apr 6, 2020 · 4 revisions

is a free invention of the heart and of the mind itself!
The only textbooks needed, are the heart and the mind.
The only exam to be written is the key to ponder into wonder.
For the heart and the mind hold the key to the greatest diploma of all,
the dream’s creation of our imagination.
For the heart and the mind are thus, the greatest teachers of us…
Believe in yourself! For you are their greatest student.

Never give up your dream, no matter how far away it may seem to be, because that is when it is ever so close to becoming true. If you dream of something long enough and strong enough, your dream will come true, when you least expect it. Always remember, we are never too young or too old to dream and use our imagination, for we only get one and it is ours forever. May your heart be filled with courage and compassion, and your mind be as limitless and as wondrous as the universe itself!
If you dream it, you can be it. Believe it!

Hello my friend. Please think of this Knowledge poem as if it were a portal into our dream’s creation come true. Please read it twice! And always remember: What’s behind the light beholds the answer to all things possible! Everyone has dreams, but it’s most important to keep them, even if they take an entire lifetime to come true…

Hello my friend. Please read this Knowledge poem and read it twice! I wrote these precious words through my very own tears of failure, when I thought I had lost my second chance at achieving my adult high school diploma, and in the same year 1997, I also broke two computers back to back; my own, trying to repair them. After writing this Knowledge poem, I achieved far more than I can ever be thankful enough for. I achieved my high school diploma in early 2001, and I never broke another computer ever again; I went pretty far with them as well. Since then, I wanted every single man, woman and child to have this Knowledge poem forever for free to unleash the tapestry of pure imagination, and to make everyone’s dreams come true for them too! Please encourage others abound, even if you don’t know them or like them. Sometimes, we all need help to believe in ourselves again, especially when our dreams feel so broken that sometimes, it’s simply hard to believe in ourselves. This is my personal gift to all humanity, which was also my very own personal portal into my very own personal dream’s creation come true. Whoever shall read this Knowledge poem has already opened up a portal into their personal dream’s creation come truth…

Just one very important lesson to always remember: learn how to play again; that’s the key to ponder into wonder. That’s the key which makes all dreams possible! And that’s the only exam to be written…

The human imagination should never ever be bought or sold; by doing such, it will only dry up one day. Some things are supposed to be free. Some things are just too priceless to buy. Some things are just too precious to sell. Some things just have to be free to all humanity period! Since the inception of this Knowledge poem, I made it a humanitarian right to have these priceless, precious words forever, for free. This Knowledge poem will never ever be bought or sold to anyone, which means it could also remain unpublished forever. May your heart be filled with courage and compassion, and your mind be as limitless and as wondrous as the universe itself! If you dream it, you can be it. Believe it! Your imagination can take you far. It just depends on how much you let it expand…


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