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How to assign labels to Commit Messages and PRs?

Jun Liu edited this page Aug 28, 2021 · 1 revision

Target and Summary

  • Add labels to Commit Messages so that they are concise and informative: For example:

    [HOTFIX][WORKAROUND] Revert #982 -- partial W/A for FP16 SSD issue (memory access fault in SWDEV-295434)

  • Add labels to PRs so that the community knows its level of urgency, value, and whether helps are needed: For example:

    complexity_high; design; enhancement; new feature; TESTING_CI_PASSED; urgency_blocker

Standard Operating Procedure

The following procedure is suggested when you construct your Pull Requests:

Commit Messages

MIOpen has enforced a linear history on develop branch so that the Title of the PR will become the Commit Message.

List of Labels of Title of the PR:

The list is not exhaustive so remember concise and informative are the goals.

  • Functional Labels:

    [Test]; [CI]; [HOTFIX]; [WORKAROUND]

    These labels are used to highlight specific functional areas, mostly self-explanatory

    We should pay special attentions to [HOTFIX]; [WORKAROUND] since we would be revisiting them for release post mortem!

  • Architectural Labels:

    • HW Architect:

      [gfx908]; [gfx90a]; [Navi]

    • SW Architect:

      [ASM iGEMM]; [TUNA]; [MLIR]

    • Backend or Upstream:

      [HIP]; [OCL]; [Legacy]; [pyTorch]; [TF]

Pull Requests

The list of labels is pre-populated and please select from the existing labels when creating PR.

We should pay special attentions to:

  • Urgency Level: so that we can plan ahead to coordinate reviewing efforts


  • Value Level: so that we can update in monthly roadmap meeting


  • CI Indicator: so that reviewers can actually start serious reviewing after CI has passed


Additional Messages:

In order to generate release messages in a timely manner, concise and informative commit messages are required from all contributors to MIOpen.

All suggestions to enhance and improve the procedure are highly appreciated and welcomed.