The RoktWebView SDK for Android is a custom WebView that opens links in an external browser instead of in the same WebView.
Environment | Build |
release |
Download Android Studio. Project is configured to run on Android API 18 or above and compiled against API 29.
This project consists of 2 modules: roktwebviewsdk library module and app application module.
roktwebviewsdk: the library module containing all the sdk functionality and contains all the unit tests. It can be exported as .aar archive and imported into another project as a Gradle dependency
app: example application for demonstrating the usages of roktwebviewsdk in partner applications. All the UI tests are in this package.
- Open Android Studio
- Open project by selecting project folder
- Wait for Gradle to sync dependencies
- Click on green run button and select the device (physical or emulator) to run on
Connect a device or emulator and run in terminal when in main project folder: ./gradlew assemble app:assembleAndroidTest
or run each test from Android Studio using a run button next to each one. Tests can be found in: app/src/androidTest/java/com/rokt/roktwebviewsample/
Note: Make sure you disable animations on the emulator before running UI Tests and make sure you have selected the mock build variant. You can disable animations by running these commands:
adb shell settings put global window_animation_scale 0.0
adb shell settings put global transition_animation_scale 0.0
adb shell settings put global animator_duration_scale 0.0
Open Terminal and go to root of the project and execute: ./gradlew roktwebviewsdk:testDebugUnitTest
or Local Unit test cases can also be executed using fastlane
bundle install
bundle exec fastlane test
All the dependencies for sdk are listed in roktwebviewsdk/build.gradle. To add/update the dependencies modify the config.gradle first and then update in build.gradle.
The CI system used is Buildkite
Buildkite pipelines are defined in the .buildkite
directory. There are two seperate lanes that are executed based on branch names.
Branches with release- prefix are considered production branches, the publish step will release to the production maven respository.
All other branches are considered alpha branches, so it will publish to maven with with -alpha postfix.
It uses docker container for executing the build steps using the Fastlane build tool. The steps are configured in the fastlane/Fastfile
We publish our library to Jitpack which requires us to have code in github. To create a release, in Github click on create a new release. Releases will determine the version of our library. Click on Choose a tag and enter your initial version of the library and click Enter. Also, enter the title of release and a description of the library. Finally, click on Publish release to publish.
Use below gradle commands to publish the library to ($HOME/.m2/repository)
./gradlew assemble
./gradlew publishProductionPublicationToMavenLocal
Setting up the RoktWebView SDK is the same process as including a standard WebView described in the Android Docs.
- Open the build.gradle file for your app module.
- Add the RoktWebViewSDK library to the dependencies section.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.rokt:roktwebviewsdk:1.0.0'
Add the RoktWebView to your layout. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Or to add it programmatically in your onCreate(), use similar logic to the following:
val myWebView = RoktWebView(activityContext)
WebView myWebView = new RoktWebView(activityContext);
To load a web page in the RoktWebView, use loadUrl(). For example:
val myWebView: RoktWebView = findViewById(
WebView myWebView = (RoktWebView) findViewById(;
Please see LICENSE